InfoQ Homepage Groovy Content on InfoQ
Functional Programming Kata with Groovy
Scott Hickey works through a solution to the Bank OCR kata, using Groovy and functional programming techniques. The code uses recursion plus Groovy methods that support functional programming.
Groovy AST Transformations
Paul King reviews some of the most useful of the Groovy built-in AST transformations. He talks about the internal workings of AST transformations and how to write your own.
Full Stack Groovy Developer
Iván López presents the technological stack of Polaromatic, and demonstrates that it's possible to write the whole stack with Groovy: Backend, Javascript, HTML, Android, test, build tool.
Working with Databases & Groovy
Paul King reviews the features in Groovy which make it easy to work with databases - Groovy SQL, datasets -, and working with NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and Neo4J.
Writing a Kubernetes Autoscaler with Groovy and Spring Boot
Ray Tsang shares his experience in writing a custom metrics collector plus an autoscaler using Groovy and Spring Boot, deployed as containerized microservices in Kubernetes.
Seriously, Use Groovy Now
Ken Kousen demonstrates how one can add Groovy to Java applications and simplify his development job immediately.
Gpars: Concurrency in Java & Groovy
Ken Kousen reviews the basic concepts of the Groovy Parallel Streams framework and demonstrates communicating sequential processes, promises, dataflow concurrency and concurrent collection processing.
Groovy: The Awesome Parts
Paul King presents examples of Groovy and its application: DSL, dynamic typing, extensible static type system, Android programming, concurrency, functional, frameworks and tools.
Testing with Spock: The Logical Choice
Iván López discusses the basics of Spock and how easily one can test a Java application. Spock is a Groovy-based testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications.
The Epic Groovy Puzzlers S02: The Revenge of the Parentheses
Viktor Gamov and Baruch Sadogursky discuss the Groovy Puzzlers.
What will a Groovy DSL Look Like in 2016
Cédric Champeau illustrates what a modern DSL written in Groovy is, syntactically speaking, and implementation wise. He also covers how you can improve the syntax of your DSL, its performance, and UX.
Advanced Groovy Tips & Tricks
Ken Kousen examines features of Groovy that can make your life easier once you're past the initial adoption stage. Examples include closure coercion, mixins, simple runtime metaprogramming, and more.