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  • Hack.Summit() 2016 Announced

    Following on from the successful hack.summit() which ran in December 2014, HackHands founder Ed Roman has announced the second event will be held in February 2016. The original event had over 64000 virtual attendees and raised over $50000 for a variety of charities including Women Who Code, Black Girls Code and The organizers expect the 2016 event to attract an even larger audience.

  • 45,000 Signed Up for Next Week's For-Charity Hack.Summit() Virtual Conference

    Hack.Summit is running next week Dec 1-4 - the largest virtual conference ever put on in the software development space. The conf is a donation-only and all proceeds go directly to programming related non-profits. Over 37 keynote speakers will be presenting next week including DHH, Tim O'Reilly, Matei Zaharia (Apache Spark), Gilad Bracha (Java lang spec), Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, and others.