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Elephant in the Cloud - Hadoop as a Service
Hadoop and other big data technologies revolutionized the way organizations run data analytics but the organizations are still facing challenges with operating costs of using these technologies for on-premise data processing. Ashish Thusoo recently spoke at Enterprise Data World Conference about Hadoop as a service offering that helps organizations bridge the gaps with these capabilities.
Google Cloud Machine Learning and Tensor Flow Alpha Release
Late last month Google released an alpha version of their TensorFlow (TF) integrated cloud machine learning service as a response to a growing need to make their Tensor Flow library to run at scale on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Google describes several new feature sets around making TF usage scale by integrating several pieces of the GCP like Dataproc, a managed Hadoop and Spark service.
Apache Flink 1.0.0 is Released
InfoQ's Rags Srinivas caught up with Stephan Ewen, a project committer for Apache Flink about the 1.0.0 Release and the roadmap
Hunk/Hadoop: Performance Best Practices
When working with Hadoop, with or without Hunk, there are a number of ways you can accidentally kill performance. While some of the fixes require more hardware, sometimes the problems can be solved simply by changing the way you name your files.
Using Hunk+Hadoop as a Backend for Splunk
Splunk can now store archived indexes on Hadoop. At the cost of performance, this offers a 75% reduction in storage costs without losing the ability to search the data. And with the new adapters, Hadoop tools such as Hive and Pig can process the Splunk-formatted data.
Splunk .conf 2015 Keynote
Splunk opened their big data conference with an emphasis on “making machine data accessible, usable, and valuable to everyone”. This is a shift from their original focus: indexing arbitrary big data sources. Reasonably happy with their ability to process data, they want to ensure that developers, IT staff, and normal people have a way to actually use all of the data their company is collecting.
Parquet Becomes Top-Level Apache Project
Apache Parquet, the open-source columnar storage format for Hadoop, recently graduated from the Apache Software Foundation Incubator and became a top-level project. Initially created by Cloudera and Twitter in 2012 to speed up analytical processing, Parquet is now openly available for Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Pig, Impala, native MapReduce, and other key components of the Hadoop ecosystem.
MemSQL 4 Database Supports Community Edition, Geospatial Intelligence and Spark Integration
Latest version of MemSQL, in-memory database with support for transactions and analytics, includes a new Community Edition for free use by organizations. MemSQL 4, released last week, also supports integration with Apache Spark, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), and Amazon S3.
Glenn Tamkin on Applying Apache Hadoop to NASA's Big Climate Data
NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) is using Apache Hadoop for high-performance data analytics. Glenn Tamkin from NASA team, recently spoke at ApacheCon Conference and shared the details of the platform they built for climate data analysis with Hadoop.
Hortonworks, IBM and Pivotal to Support Open Data Platform in Their Big Data Solutions
Big data vendors Hortonworks, IBM, and Pivotal recently announced that their Hadoop based platform products will use the common Open Data Platform (ODP). They made the announcement at the recent HadoopSummit Europe Conference of the open platform which includes Apache Hadoop 2.6 (HDFS, YARN, and MapReduce) and Apache Ambari software.
Apache HBase Hits 1.0
After three developer previews, six release candidates and over 1500 closed tickets the Apache foundation has announced version 1.0 of Apache HBase, a NoSQL database in the Hadoop ecosystem. After more than 7 years of active development, the team behind HBase felt that the project had matured and stabilized enough to warrant a 1.0 version.
Spring XD 1.1: Simplifying Big Data like Spring Did for Java EE
Pivotal recently released Spring XD 1.1 GA with new features including stream processing with Reactor, RxJava, Spark Streaming and Python. Additionally support for Kafka, batching and compression with RabbitMQ, and support for container group management when running on YARN are now featured.
Google Open Sources MapReduce Framework for C to Run Native Code in Hadoop
Google announced last week the release of open source MapReduce framework for C, called MR4C, that allows developers to run native code in Hadoop framework. MR4C framework brings together the performance and flexibility of natively developed algorithms with the scalability and throughput provided by Hadoop execution framework.
Pivotal Open Sources Their Big Data Suite
Pivotal has decided to open source core components of their Big Data Suite and has announced the Open Data Platform, an initiative promoting open source and standardization for Big Data.
Project Pachyderm Aims to Build a "Modern" Hadoop on Docker
Project Pachyderm Aims to Build "Modern" Hadoop using Docker and CoreOS.