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Java News Roundup: NetBeans 25, Payara Platform, Hibernate Reactive, Gradle
This week's Java roundup for February 17th, 2025, features news highlighting: the release of Apache NetBeans 25; the February 2025 release of the Payara Platform; the second beta release of Hibernate Reactive 3.0; and the second release candidate of Gradle 8.13.
Java News Roundup: JDK 24-RC1, JDK Mission Control, Spring, Hibernate, Vert.x, JHipster, Gradle
This week's Java roundup for February 10th, 2025, features news highlighting: the first release candidate of JDK 24; JDK Mission Control 9.1.0; milestone releases of Spring Framework 7.0, Spring Data 2025.0.0 and Hibernate 7.0; release candidates of Vert.x 5.0.0 and Gradle 8.13.0; and JHipster 8.9.0.
Java News Roundup: Spring Framework, WildFly, Hibernate, EclipseStore, Piranha Cloud
This week's Java roundup for December 9th, 2024 features news highlighting: point releases for the Spring Framework; the first beta release of WildFly 35; Hibernate ORM 7.0.0.Beta3, Hibernate Reactive 3.0.0.Beta1 and Hibernate Validator 9.0.0.RC1; and the release of EclipseStore 2.1 and Piranha Cloud 24.12.0.
Java News Roundup: OpenJDK JEPs, Plans for Spring 7.0, JobRunr 7.3, Keycloak 26.0, Debezium 3.0
This week's Java roundup for September 30th, 2024, features news highlighting: new OpenJDK JEPs and those targeted for JDK 24; plans for Spring Framework 7.0; JobRunr 7.3.0, Keycloak 26.0.0 and Debezium 3.0.0.
Java News Roundup: JDK 23, GraalVM for JDK 23, Jakarta EE 11 Update, Micronaut GraalPy, Azul
This week's Java roundup for September 16th, 2024, features news highlighting: the release of JDK 23 and GraalVM for JDK 23; an update on Jakarta EE 11 and plans for Jakarta EE 12; introducing Micronaut GraalPy; and Azul Zing Builds of OpenJDK 24.08.
Java News Roundup: JDK 23 RC1, New HotSpot JEP, Hibernate and Tomcat Releases, GlassFish 8.0-M7
This week's Java roundup for August 5th, 2024, features news highlighting: the first release candidates of JDK 23 and Gradle 8.10; JEP 483, Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking, a new HotSpot feature; the releases of Hibernate ORM 6.6, Hibernate Search 7.2, Hibernate Reactive 2.4; multiple Apache Tomcat point and milestone releases; and GlassFish 8.0.0-M7.
Java News Roundup: JEPs Targeted for JDK 23, JHipster 8.5, Gradle 8.8, Spring AI 1.0-M1
This week's Java roundup for May 27th, 2024, features news highlighting: four JEPs targeted for JDK 23, namely: JEP 482, Flexible Constructor Bodies (Second Preview), JEP 481, Scoped Values (Third Preview), JEP 480, Structured Concurrency (Third Preview) and JEP 471, Deprecate the Memory-Access Methods in Unsafe for Removal; and the releases of JHipster 8.5, Gradle 8.8 and Spring AI 1.0-M1.
Java News Roundup: OpenJDK JEPs, Spring Projects, Quarkus, Hibernate, JHipster, JReleaser
This week's Java roundup for April 29th, 2024, features news highlighting: JEP 476, Module Import Declarations (Preview), and JEP 474, ZGC: Generational Mode by Default, targeted for JDK 23; new JEP candidates; and updates to Spring projects, Quarkus, Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Reactor, JHipster, JHipster Lite and JReleaser.
Java News Roundup: WildFly 31, Eclipse Store 1.1, Liberica NIK, Quarkus, JHipster Lite
This week's Java roundup for January 22nd, 2024 features news highlighting: WildFly 31.0.0, Eclipse Store 1.1.0, BellSoft Liberica Native Image Kit, multiple releases of Quarkus and JHipster Lite, and Jakarta EE 11 updates.
Java News Roundup: JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, JEPs for JDK 23, Jakarta EE 11, GraalVM
This week's Java roundup for January 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: JEP 455 Proposed to Target for JDK 23, JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, an updated Jakarta EE 11 release plan, GraalVM, and Oracle’s Critical Patch Update for January 2024.
Java News Roundup: JDK 22, Spring CVEs, Liberica JDK, JDKMon 21, Jupyter for Java, Gradle 8.5
This week's Java roundup for November 27th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, Jakarta Data 1.0-M2, JNoSQL 1.0.3, LibericaJDK, Spring CVEs, Spring Shell 3.2.0-RC1, Quarkus 3.6, Open Liberty 23.0.12-beta, Helidon 4.0.1, Hibernate Reactive 2.2, Hibernate Search 7.1-A1, Grails 5.3.4, Groovy 5.0.0-A3, Camel Quarkus 3.6, Maven 3.9.6, JDKMon 21, PrimeFaces 12.0.7, Jupyter for Java and Gradle 8.5.
Java News Roundup: Single Query Loading, GraalVM, GlassFish, JReleaser, Quarkus, Micronaut
This week's Java roundup for August 28th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.25, Single Query Loading in Spring JDBC, Quarkus 3.3.1, 3.2.5.Final and 2.16.10.Final, Micronaut 4.1.0 and 4.0.6, Wildfly 29.0.1, Hibernate ORM 6.3.0 and 6.2.8, Hibernate Reactive 2.0.5, GlassFish 7.0.8, Eclipse Vert.x 4.4.5, JKube 1.14.0, JReleaser 1.8.0 and OpenXava 7.1.5.
Java News Roundup: Grails 6.0, PrimeFaces 13.0, JUnit 5.10, GraalVM, TornadoVM, New JEP Drafts
This week's Java roundup for July 24th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM Community Components 23.0.1, Spring Cloud 2022.0.4, Spring Security and Spring Shell point releases, Grails 6.0, TornadoVM 0.15.2, Liberica NIK 23.0.1, PrimeFaces 13.0, Quarkus 3.2.2, Hibernate Reactive 2.0.4, Micronaut 4.0.2, JBang 0.110, JHipster Lite 0.39, JUnit 5.10 and Gradle 8.3-RC2.
Java News Roundup: Micronaut 4.0, Payara Platform, Spring Web Flow 3.0, JetBrains AI Assistant
This week's Java roundup for July 10th, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, Spring Web Flow 3.0, Micronaut 4.0, Payara Platform, point and milestone releases of: Spring projects, Open Liberty, Helidon, Hibernate Reactive, Tomcat, Micrometer Metrics and Tracing, Piranha, Project Reactor, JHipster, JHipster Lite, Yupiik Fusion, Maven and Gradle; and AI Assistant in JetBrains IDEs.
Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 11 Updates, Quarkus LTS, Micronaut, Foojay Board, DevBCN, JCrete
This week's Java roundup for July 3rd, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, Jakarta EE 11 updates, Micronaut 4.0.0-RC1, Quarkus 3.2.0 and 2.16.8, Helidon 3.2.2, Apache Camel 4.0.0-RC1, Hibernate Search 6.2.0, Hibernate Reactive 2.0.2, Infinispan 15.0.0.Dev02, JDKMon 17.0.69, JBang 0.109.0, Kotlin 1.9.0, updates, and DevBCN and JCrete conferences.