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Google’s Cross-Platform Mobile UI Framework Flutter Now in Beta
Flutter, now in beta, is Google attempt to create a framework for cross-platform interfaces for both iOS and Android apps that behave and feel like native, although not standard, UIs.
Avalonia Beta 1 Brings Many Improvements over WPF
Avalonia describes itself as a “cross platform .NET UI framework inspired by WPF, with XAML, data binding, lookless controls and much more." Having just reached its first public beta, it is already showing some interesting improvements over the venerable WPF version of XAML.
Dart 2 Revamped for Mobile Development
The latest version of Google’s Dart programming language, sporting a strengthened type system, cleaned-up syntax, and an improved toolchain, is being touted by Google as the way to go for Mobile and Web app development, enabling a 2–3x productivity increase.
Swift 4.1 Brings Conditional Conformance and More
Swift 4.1, available in Xcode 9.3, brings a number of improvements to the language, including automatic implementation of the Equatable and Hashable protocols, conditional conformance, and more.
Swift Has Got Its Discussion Forum
The Swift team has announced the migration of several Swift mailing lists to the Swift Forums, which will be the primary discussion and communication method from now on.
ARKit 1.5 Now Supports Vertical Surface Detection and 2D Image Recognition
Apple has announced a major upgrade of ARKit, which is available to developers with iOS 11.3 beta. According to Apple, ARKit 1.5 will allow developers to build more immersive augmented reality (AR) experiences.
Kotlin Native Adds Objective-C Interop, WebAssembly Support
Kotlin/Native 0.4 makes it possible to build native apps for iOS and macOS, writes Nikolay Igotti, Kotlin/Native tech lead at JetBrains. Additionally, it introduces experimental support for the WebAssembly platform.
Apple Open-Sourced the iOS Kernel for ARM CPUs
Apple has quietly made available arm and arm64-specific files on its GitHub XNU-darwin repository. While this may not be interesting to all developers, it still enables interesting possibilities for security researchers and others.
Google Announces Firestore, a Document Database
Google has announced Cloud Firestore, a document database for mobile, web and server applications.
Apple Details Face ID Security
Apple has described how Face ID works and how it guarantees security in a new white paper.
Swift 4 is Officially Available: What's New
Swift’s latest major release contains many changes and updates to the language and the standard library, most notably new String features, extended collections, archival and serialization, and more.
Swift 5 Sets its Goals, Defines New Evolution Process
Expected to be released in late 2018, Swift 5 will bring ABI stability and further work on API resilience and memory ownership. A new evolution process will help ensure Swift 5 development keeps its focus on its planned goals.
Strategy for Mobile and Web Test Coverage
Teams need to match testing with the market usage patterns across geographies of their apps as consumers are expecting smooth apps functionality across all digital channels. Here's a methodology and index for considering device/OS combinations together with other characteristics like aging, screen parameters and other testing related guidelines for data driven test coverage of the mobile market.
Facebook’s New AL Language Aims to Simplify Static Program Analysis
AL is a simple, declarative language for reasoning about abstract syntax trees that allows to extend Facebook Infer static analyzer.
Shoutem Aims to Be the WordPress of React Native Mobile Apps
Shoutem has recently launched its new React Native-based app builder, which is being presented to developers as the WordPress for mobile apps. InfoQ has spoken with Shoutem's VP of marketing, Robert Sekulić.