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iOS 9 Day by Day: a Review of iOS 9 for Developers
iOS 9 Day by Day is a free book by shinobicontrols’ Chris Grant that provides a review of iOS 9 for developers. The book comprises 13 short chapters that puts the key features of iOS 9 at work in the accompanying sample projects. InfoQ has spoken with Sam Burnstone, shinobicontrols' Technical Evangelist.
The Evolution of Swift's Standard Library
One of the primary design goals of Swift is to allow efficient execution of code while allowing load-time abstraction of implementation, according to a work-in-progress document by Apple. Apple’s document provides information that is relevant to library designers, including Swift’s Standard Libraries, to ensure both backward and forward compatibility.
Perfect Aims to Bring Swift to the Server-side
Perfect makes it possible to use Apple’s Swift language to build enterprise-grade web applications, say Canadian startup PerfectlySoft Inc. With Apple having recently open-sourced Swift, Perfect promises to support cross-platform development across multiple platforms, including OS X, Linux, Windows, iOS, and Android. InfoQ has spoken with Sean Stephens, CEO at PerfectlySoft.
Swift 2.2 Release Process Begins
Apple provided new details about Swift 2.2 release process, its goals, and an estimated schedule. Swift 2.2 will be mostly a source-compatible release, while major, breaking changes will be left for Swift 3, Apple say.
Wia Provides Cloud Infrastructure for IoT
Wia is a cloud platform that aims to provide developers with a scalable and powerful backend for their Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. According to Conall Laverty, founder and CEO at Wia, that will enable the creation of fully fledged, production ready solutions without worrying about server management, data replication, and storage. InfoQ has spoken with Laverty.
Facebook Announces Parse SDK for Apple's tvOS and watchOS 2
Facebook's Parse SDK includes now support for Apple’s tvOS and watchOS 2 will enable building native immersive apps for the Apple TV and the Apple Watch, Facebook’s engineer Nikita Lutsenko writes. Additionally, the new SDK also features integration with Facebook’s recently announced tvOS SDK to make onboarding easier.
Swift overtakes Objective-C in TIOBE index
Swift has overtaken Objective-C in the TIOBE index, an internet-sourced rating of programming languages based on a variety of different sources.
With Flutter, Google Aims Dart to Mobile App Cross-Development
Flutter is a new open-source framework built by Google that aims to enable cross-platform development using a single Dart codebase on iOS and Android. It aims to provide high performance and 60fps, jitter-free experiences on both platforms.
Most Common Issues Caused by Mobile Fragmentation
Device fragmentation can be a serious hindrance to providing great mobile user experiences. A review of the most common issues faced by developers.
How Facebook Improved their iOS App Start Time
Facebook engineer Natansh Verma explained how they managed to reduce the launch time of the Facebook app for iOS and shave a few seconds off by streamlining their dependencies and using UDP priming.
Apple Open Sources Swift
Apple has open-sourced Swift under a permissive Apache license, following up from a promise made at WWDC 2015 that it would be available before the end of the year. The release includes information about Swift 3.0, a package manager, and a binary package for Linux systems. InfoQ looks into what it means and what effects it will have for future iOS and OSX development.
Three Ways to Get Core Data Multithreading Right
At #Pragma Conference 2015, Marcus Zarra, author of Pragmatic Bookshelf Core Data, described three approaches to using Core Data in a multithreaded environment and tried to clear up how Core Data should be used in 2015.
Nexmo Verify SDK Touts Easy Phone Number-based Authentication
Nexmo has announced the availability of its Verify SDK for iOS, Android, and JavaScript, which makes it possible to securely register and authenticate users based on their mobile phone numbers, Nexmo says.
Xamarin 4: Insights Is GA Now, Test Recorder and Forms 2
Xamarin has announced version 4 of their platform for building cross-platform native mobile apps for iOS and Android in C#. New in this version are the GA of Insights, a Recorder for the Test Cloud and several enhancements to the Platform: Xamarin.Forms 2.0, better support for iOS in VS, support for Android Material Design and more .NET code.
Microsoft CodePush Aims to Enable Instant Updates for Cordova and React Native Apps
Cordova and React Native developers will be able to deploy mobile apps updates directly to their iOS and Android devices thanks to CodePush, Microsoft say. CodePush includes a cloud service and an SDK to make it possible to update JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and image resources so apps can retrieve their latest versions. Compiled code, though, cannot be updated on the fly.