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An Overview of Apple's Unified Logging System in Swift
In a recent series of articles, iOS independent developer Majid Jabrayilov focused on the importance of logging to enable the analysis of bugs hard to catch in the debugger as well as to better understand user behaviour through the app.
How to Build an In-App Messaging Platform: Lyft's Case
If you have ever thought about building an in-app messaging platform for your mobile app, Lyft's experience may help you get it right. Lyft engineers applied a three-staged approach: MVP, scaling, and optimization.
Kotlin 1.6.20 Brings Definitely Non-Nullable Types, Standalone Android Executables, and More
Kotlin 1.6.20 brings many new features, including standalone Android executables, extended context receivers, native parallel compilation, definitely non-nullable types, and much more.
SwiftLint Now Supports Swift 5.6
The latest stable release of SwiftLint brings support for Swift 5.6 and Xcode 13.3 to developers and organizations aiming for better code consistency. Additionally, a pre-release version integrates SwiftSyntax as a replacement of SourceKit.
Swift 5.6 Enhances Type Inference, Introduces Existential Any, and More
Swift latest release, Swift 5.6, introduces partial type annotations that work as hints to the type inference engine, disambiguate the syntax for existential types, and improve pointer interaction.
Couchbase Mobile 3 Brings New C and Kotlin APIs, Simplified Administration
NoSQL database maker Couchbase has released Couchbase Mobile 3, its edge-ready mobile database, introducing a new C API to embed Couchbase Lite on embedded platforms, Kotlin support on Android, a new administration REST API, and security enhancements.
How GitHub Does DevOps for its iOS and Android Apps
GitHub relies heavily on GitHub Actions to manage the release process for their iOS and Android apps. Using the right tools to automate the process allows the mobile team to ship a new release every week, GitHub engineer Taehun Kim explains.
Swift Playgrounds 4.0 Enables Creating iOS Apps Using an iPad
With its latest update to Swift Playground, Apple has made it possible for the first time to create iPhone and iPad apps using an iPad. Developers can build and submit Swift 5.5 apps using SwiftUI and the Swift Package Manager, as well as additional features.
Flutter 2.8 and Dart 2.15 Focus on Performance Improvement
Flutter 2.8 focuses on improving app startup time, reducing memory footprint, and making it easier for developers to profile performance issues. Along with it, Google has announced a new Dart version, Dart 2.15, improving worker isolates, introducing constructor tear-off, and extending enums.
XCRemoteCache Aims to Speed up iOS App Build Times
Spotify created XCRemoteCache to reduce Xcode compile times. Recently open-sourced, XCRemoteCache can decrease clean build times by 70%, says Spotify.
Building Large-Scale iOS Apps at Airbnb
The Airbnb iOS team addressed the challenge of its growing mobile app codebase and complexity by adopting new tools and processes, including a modern build systems, module types, and dev apps.
Swift Experimentally Introduces Support for Distributed Actors
The new Swift Distributed Actors package provides a glimpse into what the future distributed actor language feature could look like in Swift.
Swift for Android Makes Major Step Forward with SCADE 2.0
Now at 2.0, SCADE aims to enable native app development for iOS and Android using Swift. Besides many internal improvements, SCADE 2 also includes a new native IDE for macOS that replaces the previous Eclipse-based IDE. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with SCADE creator Frank Langel to learn more.
Ionic Portals Aims to Simplify the Integration of Web Apps into iOS and Android Native Code
Ionic describes its new web view component, Ionic Portals, as a "supercharged" version of the native web view controls available on iOS and Android. It aims to make it easier for developers to integrate web apps with native code in an efficient way.
Swift 5.5 Extends Concurrency Support, Enums, Property Wrappers, and More
The latest release of Apple's language, Swift 5.5, introduces new features aimed at making it easier for developers to write asynchronous code as well as several extensions to the language and compiler, not the least CGFloat and Double interchangeability.