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Airbnb's Server-Driven UI Platform
Airbnb's server-driven UI (SDUI) departs from the usual approach to implement client UIs for different platforms, including Web, Android, and iOS. Instead of letting each client platform drive its UI, SDUI passes both the data and its UI representation to the client.
What's New in SwiftUI 3
Apple is continuing to work to bring SwiftUI, its declarative UI framework for Swift, on a par with UIKit and AppKit. At WWDC 2021, SwiftUI got a number of new features, including extended List views, support for pull to refresh, asynchronous images, and more.
Xcode 13 Extends Team Collaboration and Source Editing Features
Xcode 13 brings improved Git integration, support for GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab collaboration features, new editor capabilities, and Vim keybindings.
ARKit 5 and RealityKit 2 Further Enhance iOS AR Capabilities
At WWDC21 Apple announced new major iterations for its ARKit and RealityKit frameworks to create augmented reality-based apps for iOS. Most significantly, RealityKit 2 will allow developers to easily create 3D models from a collection of pictures, while ARKit 5 expands face tracking and location anchor support.
Swift 5.5 Brings Async/Await and Actor Support
At WWDC21, Apple has introduced Swift 5.5, available in beta. Among its new features, one of the most anticipated is better concurrency support using aysnc/await and actors.
Xcode Cloud Brings CI/CD to iOS App Development
At WWDC21, Apple announced Xcode Cloud, a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) system to help developers build, test, and distribute apps. Still in beta, Xcode Cloud supports both releasing to TestFlight and on the App Store.
Swift 5.4 Brings Support for Multiple Variadic Arguments, Result Builders, and More
Recently released Swift 5.4 brings support for multiple variadic parameters, extends implicit member syntax, adds support for local functions overloading, and more. Additionally, it improves runtime performance and binary size.
Gluon Releases SceneBuilder 16
Gluon releases Scene Builder 16, a graphical design tool that visually simplifies the creation of cross-platform applications on computers and mobile devices.
Ebay Open-Sources Package to Reduce Test Flakiness Using Swift and Xcode
Targeted Auto Retry is Ebay's approach to dealing with test flakiness that aims to make a continuous integration pipeline more resilient to flaky test steps. To make this approach straightforward to use, Ebay has open sourced a lightweight framework for the Swift language that can be used with Xcode unit testing framework.
Swift Collections Brings New Data Structures to Swift
Swift Collections is a new open-source package that aims to extend the choice of data structures available to Swift programmers beyond those provided in the standard library. In its initial version, it offers deques, ordered sets, and ordered dictionaries.
NativeScript 8 Released with Apple M1, Webpack 5, and Dynamic View Support
The recently released NativeScript 8 features official Apple M1 support, and webpack 5 builds. NativeScript 8 supports a new layout container for creative view development and two new styling properties: box-shadow and text-shadow.
React Native 0.64 Brings the Hermes JavaScript Engine to iOS
The latest version of React Native adds support for the Hermes JavaScript engine on iOS and moves to React 17.
ML Kit for iOS and Android Now Generally Available
After two years in beta, Google has announced the general availability of ML Kit for iOS and Android along with improvements to the Pose Detection API. Furthermore, Selfie Segmentation is now available in public beta.
Flutter 2 is Production-Ready for the Web, Adds New Platforms
A major update to Google's cross-platform UI Toolkit, Flutter 2 stabilizes Web support and adds new platforms, including foldable, embedded, and desktop. Alongside it, new Dart 2.12 brings null safety and Dart FFI.
Amplify Flutter Brings Together Flutter and AWS for Cross-Platform Apps
Amplify Flutter aims to simplify the creation of cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and the Web using Google Flutter UI toolkit and AWS. Announced as a developer preview last August, Amplify Flutter is now generally available and includes new Data, API, and Auth capabilities.