InfoQ Homepage IDE Content on InfoQ
C# 7, 8 and beyond: Language Features from Design to Release to IDE Support
Kevin Pilch tours C# 7, highlighting new features -pattern matching, tuples, local functions and more-, sharing insights into the language design process, and discussing potential features for C# 8.
40 Tips & Tricks for Spring in IntelliJ IDEA
Stephane Nicoll and Yann Cebron talk about how to navigate, edit and perform refactorings across a variety of common Spring technologies.
Eclipse, the IDE for IoT
Doug Schaefer shows how to use the Eclipse IDE for an IoT application that includes an ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller running Arduino to report the value of a sensor and to change the color of some LEDs
Papyrus for Real Time: Executable Modeling on Eclipse
Charles Rivet introduces Papyrus RT, an industrial-grade modeling environment for the development of complex, software intensive, real-time, embedded, cyber-physical systems.
Eclipse Orion: Fast, Functional and at Your Fingertips
Steve Northover presents tips, tricks and new features that make JavaScript development more productive and fun with Eclipse Orion, including quick fixes, content assist and refactoring support.
Code in the Cloud with Eclipse Che and Docker
Stevan Le Meur, Florent Benoit explain how to setup a workspace in Eclipse Che, how to create the environment using Docker, and show some of the advanced features of the IDE.
Build Arduino Apps Like a Pro with the Arduino C++ IDE for Eclipse
Doug Schaefer overviews the Arduino C++ IDE for Eclipse and discusses plans to take the IDE beyond just Arduino and into other microcontroller boards such as the ESP8266 IoT platform.
CIDER: Building a Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks in Emacs
Bozhidar Batsov introduces CIDER, an interactive development environment for Clojure, discussing building dev tools on top of Emacs, the history of the project, current state and plans for its future.
Building Smart Editors with Eclipse and JavaFX
Thomas Schindl introduces the components and APIs available to build a custom IDE, showing how to build one that has Syntax Highlighting, Autocomplete, Error Reporting, Outline-Viewer and git support.
Eclipse: The Evolution and Future of IDEs
Tyler Jewell introduces Eclipse Che, the platform and the new approach to workspace, demoing along with SAP, Red Hat, IBM, and Microsoft its current level of integration with various cloud providers.
Unleashing the Java 8 Tooling in Eclipse
Noopur Gupta shows how to get started with Java 8 in Eclipse, demonstrating how the new Java 8 constructs blend with the existing functionality in Eclipse.
What can e(fx)clipse do for you to Develop JavaFX Applications and IDE Plugins?
Thomas Schindl presents new tooling features in e(fx)clipse 1.0, runtime APIs and components such as the Code Editor and 3D Viewer, and tooling APIs that can be used in other IDE plug-ins.