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InfoQ Homepage Introducing Agile Content on InfoQ

  • Product Owner should deliver Enabling Specifications

    Scrum community leaders recommend Product Owners to deliver an Enabling Specification as a part of a User Story to improve the efficiency of the development team.

  • Scrum Training Exercises

    Need to deliver some Scrum training? Exercises can be more effective than a dry presentation. These exercises teach Scrum principles and techniques.

  • Selling Scrum to Your Manager?

    Trying to Sell Scrum to Management? Failing and wondering why? This often happens in the days after someone returns from a CSM course ready to help change the world.

  • Tips to Select a Pilot Project for Agile Adoption

    One of the most important factors which influences the success of Agile adoption is the set of learnings derived by applying Agile to a pilot project. These learnings significantly influence the organization to go ahead with Agile or fall back to their usual process. A wrong type of pilot could end up aborting, which would be a poor advertisement for the new process.

  • Jean Tabaka at Agile Australia 2009

    Jean Tabaka spoke at the Agile Australia 2009 conference in Sydney on 15+16 October. Her keynote talk titled "12 Agile Adoption Failure Modes", in which she identified a dozen common roadblocks that can prevent effective transformation to Agile techniques in organizations.

  • Agile Adoption: Projects Should Dive-In, Organizations Should Toe-Dip

    Hearty debate abounds about whether agile adoption is better done in a gradual "toe-dipping" manner or with an all-or-nothing "head-first dive" approach. Johanna Rothman says do both: projects should dive all-in, while organizations should take it gradually.

  • No Easy Road to Agile Cultural Change

    A number of commentators have written about the challenges involved in migrating an organisation to an Agile culture. Ken Schwaber has estimated that 75% of Scrum implementations will fail to deliver the anticipated benefits. This article looks at some of the reasons why and what can be done to improve success rates.

  • High-performance Teams – Avoiding Teamicide

    High-performance teams constitute a mere 2% of the workforce, but Agile processes appear to stimulate the formation of these types of teams. This article discusses Steve Denning's perspective on how such teams can be nurtured in the workplace; it also looks at a recent talk by Ominlab Media's Stefan Gillard on how to select and employ for the formation of high-performance teams.

  • An Agile Team's Weekly Schedule

    It's 9:35 AM; do you know where your agile team is? If they are using William Pietri's example schedule, they are in the middle of their stand-up meeting, unless it's Monday, in which case they are doing iteration planning & kickoff. William's sample schedule is understandable and practical, and sparked discussion that explored subtitles in scheduling for agile teams.

  • Cost Justifying an Agile Migration

    Show me the money - cost justification of Agile migration is a thorny issue. Agile approaches are more successful, deliver value sooner and produce better quality products, but how do we prove it? This article discusses measurements and presents results that help to justify adopting Agile methods.

  • 3 Pillars Of Executive Support For Agile Adoption

    An executives job is not over once they've justified agile to their teams and paid for training. To make a transition successful, its required this executive provide sustained support. Esther Derby takes a moment to describe what she believes to be the 3 most important aspects of this ongoing support.

  • Interview: Linda Rising on "Fearless Change" Patterns

    In this interview by Floyd Marinescu, co-founder of InfoQ, Linda Rising talks about the book "Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas" and offers examples of how the patterns presented in the book can ease Agile adoption.

  • InfoQ Book Review: Agile Adoption Patterns

    Ryan Cooper picked up Agile Adoption Patterns: A Roadmap to Organizational Success by InfoQ's own Amr Elssamadisy and gives this book a positive: This book belongs on the bookshelf on anyone who is interested in helping a traditional software organization make an effective transition to a more agile way of working.

  • CM Crossroads on SCM for Small Teams

    Agile brings to organizations, among other things, small teams coupled with constant change. Navigating this effectively requires understanding what this means to Software Configuration Management practices. The July edition of CM Journal's "cm//crossroads" is dedicated to helping people meet this challenge successfully.

  • Results of Agile Adoption Survey 2008

    In February 2008, Dr. Dobb's conducted a survey on Agile adoption and the success rate of Agile software development. The survey revealed some interesting results on various parameters, including: adoption, scalability, iteration length, and team location.