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InfoQ Homepage Java plus .NET Integration Content on InfoQ

  • Oracle Whitepaper on Benefits of .NET Introp

    As part of Oracle's Middleware Fusion announcements last week, Oracle has published a whitepaper on the benefits and techniques for interoperability with .NET for software projects using Java or any of Oracle's products.

  • Interop using OpenXML Spreadsheet Markup Language

    OpenXML is a new standard useful for transfering data across process boundaries in a heterogenous environment. By using XML as a common interoperability technology, when someone wants to move data from one type of system to another, that will be relatively easy to accomplish. The licensing mechanism is completely open, and the documentation is rich.

  • Novell and Microsoft Announce Interop Collaboration

    Novell and Microsoft have announced a set of business and technical collaboration agreements to build, market and support a series of new solutions to make Novell and Microsoft products work better together.The over all goal of the agreement is greater interoperability and manageability between mixed Windows and Linux infrastructures.

  • Distributed Software Development for Java and .NET

    TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service offers cross-platform messaging for Java and .NET developers.

  • InfoQ Article: Java, .NET, but why together?

    The Java vs. NET war is over. In this article, Ted Neward looks at how we can leverage the strengths of each together, such as using Microsoft Office to act as a "rich client" to a Java middle-tier service, or building a Windows Presentation Foundation GUI on top of Java POJOs, or even how to execute Java Enterprise/J2EE functionality from within a Windows Workflow host.

  • Grasshopper 2.0 IL to Java bytecode Compiler Technology Preview

    Mainsoft has released a preview of Grasshopper 2.0 that is compatible with Visual Studio 2005. Grasshopper allows Visual Studio developers to cross-compile IL into Java bytecode. Developers can then run their applications on a J2EE/Tomcat stack.

  • Advanced Message Queue Protocol to Commoditize Messaging

    The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) has been announced today by JP Morgan Chase, RedHat, Twist, Cisco, Iona, and others. AMQP is an open specification for queue-based messaging that is technology agnostic and completely interoperable; it aims commoditize the messaging middleware industry and provide true interoperability across technology stacks in any language or operating system.

  • Project Tango - WCF And Java Interop

    Sun Microsystems has launched the open source initiative called Project Tango. Windows Communications Foundation Engineers are working together with Java Web Services Engineers on the interoperability of enterprise features.