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Groovy Browser Automation
Colin Harrington introduces GEB, a browser automation solution, combining the power of WebDriver, jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of Groovy.
Get a Leg Up with Twitter Bootstrap
Howard Lewis Ship introduces and demoes some of the most interesting features of Twitter Bootstrap.
Mobile Webdev: The Horror
John Bender presents the good, the bad, and the ridiculous aspects of doing cross-platform mobile web development, suggesting progressive enhancement as a way to address the existing issues.
Polyglot Programming: The Power of Hybridization
Bruce Eckel emphasizes using different languages within a project, each one for the task it is better fitted for, and giving several such examples: Python+Scala, Go+Python, Python+CoffeeScript.
Building Applications with jQuery UI
Scott González demoes creating web applications with jQuery UI, showing the widget factory, the unified API, how to create new widgets, the CSS framework, and themes.
Getting Truth Out of the DOM
Yehuda Katz discusses techniques for keeping data out of the DOM based on the idea that retrieving such data from the DOM involves a performance penalty and may affect data integrity.
Object Oriented JavaScript
Sara Chipps discusses using OOP with JavaScript, and polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, constructors, and helper functions with JQuery.
HTML5 and the Dawn of Rich Mobile Web Applications
James Pearce introduces cross-platform web apps development using HTML5 and web frameworks, such as jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, PhoneGap, outlining what makes a good framework.
JavaScript: Measuring Performance, Games, and Distributed Testing
John Resig touches three JavaScript issues: performance measuring, creating games and performing distributed testing.
JQuery - a Javascript DOM Library
This presentation demonstrates the features of JQuery, particularly its support for AJax and DOM services plus cross-browser compatibility. Details of the library and its structure are covered.