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Refactoring to Eclipse Collections: Making Your Java Streams Leaner, Meaner, and Cleaner
Eclipse Collections is a high performance collections framework for Java, adding rich functionality to the native JDK Collections. In this article, key framework contributors demonstrate techniques for refactoring standard Java code to Eclipse Collections data structures and APIs, and also demonstrate some of the memory savings you can achieve.
Monitoring SRE's Golden Signals
Golden signals are increasingly popular these days due to the rise of SRE. This article outlines what golden signals are, and how to monitor and use them in the context of various common services.
Get Ready for Cloud Native, Service-Meshed Java Enterprise
Java EE can be easily combined with Cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes and Istio to produce a modern service-driven application.
Servlet and Reactive Stacks in Spring Framework 5
Spring Framework 5 supports both traditional servlet-based and reactive web stacks, in the same server application, reflecting a major shift towards asynchronous, non-blocking concurrency in applications. In this article Spring committer Rossen Stoyanchev explores and contrasts both stacks, and explains the range of available choices, and provides guidance for choosing the appropriate stack.
Designing, Implementing, and Using Reactive APIs
Reactive programming is a hot topic in the Java world. Whether you want to leverage non-blocking APIs, manage the latency introduced by the explosion of microservices, or simply utilize computing resources more efficiently, it's time to look at reactive as a viable programming model. In this article, we offer some opinions on how you should design, implement and use reactive APIs.
Building a CI System with Java 9 Modules and Vert.x Microservices
Java 9 and Vert.x microservices are compatible for building applications, as showcased by this example application that implements a minimal, but working CI system.
JPA 2.2 Brings Some Highly Anticipated Changes
Released this past summer, JPA 2.2 delivered some frequently requested enhancements, especially by providing better alignment with Java 8 features, such as support for the Date and Time API and the retrieval of a query result as a Stream.
InfoQ’s Top Software Developer Stories, Videos and Podcasts from 2017
Charles Humble compiles a list of this year’s most interesting and popular content on InfoQ and chats to QCon chair Wesley Reisz about 2017 and how the next 12 months are shaping up.
Getting Started with Microservices in SpringBoot
Enterprises have learned to create software using agile processes, but we are still producing large monolithic beasts of software. If you are not already using Microservices, you are safely out of the early adopter phase of the adoption curve. This article will help you get started creating, discovering, and calling Microservices.
InfoQ Call for Articles
InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.
Understanding Monads. A Guide for the Perplexed
With the current explosion of functional programming, the "monad" functional structure is once again striking fear into the hearts of newcomers. In this article, Introduction to Functional Programming course instructor Dr. Barry Burd clarifies this slippery critter.
Building Reactive Systems Using Akka’s Actor Model and Domain-Driven Design
With the explosion of mobile and data-driven applications, users are demanding real-time access to everything everywhere. System resilience and responsiveness are essential business requirements. Businesses increasingly need to trade up to more flexible, "reactive" systems. To support reactive development, actor models with domain-driven design can fulfill modern resiliency requirements.