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Running Axon Server in Docker and Kubernetes
Axon Server is an all-in-one solution for CQRS and ES applications written in Java for the Axon Framework. In Part 2 we continue by looking at the platform we run it on; in particular Docker and Kubernetes.
The Opportunity in App Modernization
The twin pressures of servicing apps running in production and modernizing them to the cloud are putting stress on development and platform teams. App Modernization needs to scale and be made efficient through documentation, products and frameworks. This article looks at the reasons, and approach, to app modernization.
Project Helidon Tutorial: Building Microservices with Oracle’s Lightweight Java Framework
Oracle introduced its new open-source framework, Helidon, in September 2018. Originally named Java for Cloud, Helidon is a collection of Java libraries for creating microservices-based applications. Within six months of its introduction, Helidon 1.0 was released in February 2019. The current stable release is Helidon 1.4.4, but Oracle is well on their way to releasing Helidon 2.0.
Java Feature Spotlight: Sealed Classes
The release of Java SE 15 in Sept 2020 will introduce "sealed classes" (JEP 360) as a preview feature. A sealed class is a class or interface which restricts which other classes or interfaces may extend it. Sealed classes, like enums, capture alternatives in domain models, allowing programmers and compilers to reason about exhaustiveness.
TornadoVM: Accelerating Java with GPUs and FPGAs
The proliferation of heterogeneous hardware represents a problem for programming languages such as Java that target CPUs. TornadoVM extends the Graal JIT compiler to take advantage of GPUs & FPGAs and provides a flexible, high-level model whilst still enabling high performance and features such as live task migration.
Running Axon Server - CQRS and Event Sourcing in Java
Axon Server Standard Edition is an Open Source, purpose-built solution supporting distributed CQRS and Event Sourcing applications written in Java with the Axon Framework. Part one in this series discusses running it locally and explores aspects of Administration/Security and Configuration. It also discusses more advanced features available with the Enterprise Edition - Clustering/Multi-Contexts.
Machine Learning in Java with Amazon Deep Java Library
In this article, we demonstrate how Java developers can use the JSR-381 VisRec API to implement image classification or object detection with DJL’s pre-trained models in less than 10 lines of code.
Apache Arrow and Java: Lightning Speed Big Data Transfer
Apache Arrow puts forward a cross-language, cross-platform, columnar in-memory data format for data. It is designed to eliminate the need for data serialization and reduce the overhead of copying.
Understanding Classic Java Garbage Collection
Java Garbage Collection remains a topic of major interest even after 25 years. Many developers are still confused about the fundamentals of the topic, even of the most widely-used implementation (Parallel on Java 8).
Java Feature Spotlight: Text Blocks
Java SE 13 introduced text blocks as a preview feature, aimed at reducing the pain of declaring and using multi-line string literals in Java. It was subsequently refined in a second preview, with minor changes, and is scheduled to become a permanent feature of the Java Language in Java SE 15. In this article Brian Goetz, Java Language Architect at Oracle, provides a deep-dive into the topic.
Getting Started with Quarkus
Quarkus created quite a buzz in the enterprise Java ecosystem in 2019. What exactly is Quarkus? How is it different from other technologies established in the market? How can Quarkus help me or my organization? To better explain the motivation behind the Quarkus project, we need to look into the current state of software development.
Java's Missing Features: Five Years Later
Ben Evans revisits his take on Java's Missing Features from 2015 and compares how the language has evolved compared to his observations at the time.