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Jonas Bonér and Kresten Krab Thorup on Bringing Erlang's Fault Tolerance and Distribution to Java with Akka and Erjang
Jonas Bonér and Kresten Krab Thorup discuss some key aspects of Erlang like fault tolerance and reliability and how the Akka and Erjang projects try to bring them to the JVM.
Christian Colombo on FSM-based Monitoring and Runtime Verification
Larva is a runtime monitoring system that uses AspectJ to weave monitoring into Java code and can check the correctness of the program using an FSM; Elarva is an Erlang version of the tool.
Dr Nic Williams on Rails, RailsInstaller and the Future of Ruby VMs
Dr Nic Williams talks about the state of the Rails community, the reasons for supporting JRuby and Rubinius implementations and for creating RailsInstaller.
Jonas Bonér on Akka, Actors and Shared State, STM, Typesafe
Jonas Bonér explains the Akka project and the types of actors it offers as well as its transactional features. Also: a preview of how Akka 2.0 changes the management of (remote) actors.
Orion Henry on Heroku, Doozer and Paxos, Ruby
Orion Henry explains what make Heroku's PaaS tick, in particular the new extensible Cedar stack as well as Doozer, the implementation of the Paxos algorithm created at Heroku.
Ari Zilka on RAM is the New Disk & BigMemory
Terracotta creator Ari Zilka talks about about the RAM is the new disk and argues for scaling up before scaling out, comparing the architectural approaches of lots of VMs with small heaps vs. a few JVMs with very large heaps. Ari introduces BigMemory, a Java add-on to Enterprise Ehcache, which allows app designs with huge amounts of memory accessible in-process, with minimal garbage collection.
Bart De Smet on Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET and Javascript
Bart De Smet explains Reactive Extensions (Rx), a library for composing computations over asynchronous event streams of data for .NET and Javascript, the concepts and implementation of Rx and more.
Rod Johnson on Entrepreneurialism
Spring creator Rod Johnson discusses the importance of vision, teamwork, perserverance and sacrifice as he relates what it took to successfully build SpringSource from a small open source consultancy to a middleware powerhouse aimed at simplifying Enterprise Java, that sold to VMWare for hundreds of millions.
Erlang Inventors Talk Language Future
In this interview Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, co-inventors of the Erlang language, talk about the future of the language, including its use in web programming, its ability to scale and more. The duo also discuss Erlang support for NoSQL databases, running the language on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and comparisons with other languages such as Google’s Go.
Juergen Hoeller on Spring 3.1 and Spring 3.2
Juergen Hoeller talks to Charles Humble about the upcoming features in Spring 3.1 and Spring 3.2. The interview also explores SpringSource's attitude to standardisation, and the impact of the Java 7 and 8 language changes, and the Jave EE 6, on the framework.
Debasish Ghosh on DSLs and Akka
Debasish Gosh talks about Domain Specific Languages: how to build DSLs with Scala or XText, real world DSLs, parser combinators and monads. Also: how Akka brings actor-based programming to the JVM.
Jerome Dochez Discusses Early Plans for Java EE 7, Planned to Ship in 2012
In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Glassfish architect Jerome Dochez talks to Charles Humble about plans for Java EE 7. The interview covers what Java EE 6 has achieved, possible additional profiles, the impact of the cloud, new features planned for the platform, and modularity.