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Dean Wampler on Scalding, NoSQL, Scala, Functional Programming and Big Data
Dean Wampler explains Scalding and the other Hadoop support libraries, the return of SQL, how (big) data is the killer application for functional programming, Java 8 vs Scala, and much more.
Victor Grazi on Java, Process and being a Java Champion
Victor Grazi talks to InfoQ about his popular tutorial application Java Concurrent Animated, and other things on his mind including Java, the financial industry, software development lifecycle, and being a Java Champion.
Sadek Drobi on Functional Programming and the Web, Fixing CMS with
Sadek Drobi explains the benefits of functional programming for the web. Also: improving CMS by separating content from representation and how implements ideas from functional DBs and Git.
Neil Killick on No Estimates
Neil Killick discusses his background in Agile and his thoughts on estimation in Agile software projects, in particular the discussion around #noestimates.
Fun and Games with Enterprise Software: Tom Banks on What's New in WebSphere Liberty Profile, IBM Code Rally
Tom Banks talks about what's new in the IBM WebSphere Application Server v 8.5.5 Liberty Profile and explores how its extensible architecture allows interesting additions to "gamify" the running of enterprise software. He describes what you can do when enterprise software becomes mobile and introduces IBM Code Rally, a game which is built on top of the Liberty Profile and other IBM software.
Martin Thompson on Low Latency Coding and Mechanical Sympathy
Martin Thompson discusses how an understanding of the hardware is central to the creation of high-performance software even when using platform independent languages like Java.
Richard Nicholson talks about the OSGi Alliance and Cloud Computing
Richard Nicholson of Paremus talks to InfoQ about the upcoming R6 Enterprise Spec, what impact it will have on Cloud Computing environments, and how OSGi as a modular technology is well placed for the dynamic distributed computing platforms of the future.
Upcoming changes for the OSGi enterprise spec
David Bosschaert speaks to InfoQ at EclipseCon 2013 about the upcoming OSGi enterprise specification, including the remote REST management API and cloud dynamics, as well as looking to the future with the use of annotations and CDI injection.
Interview with Benjamin Cabé on the Eclipse M2M projects
Benjamin Cabé talks to InfoQ about the newly formed Machine to Machine projects at Eclipse, including Mahini, Koneki and Paho. He also talks about the upcoming Internet of Things and how he sees both programming in Lua as a means of running embedded systems on Raspberry Pis, and how Arduinos can be used to monitor anything from solar panels to mousetraps.
Interview with IBM's Alasdair Nottingham on the WebSphere Liberty Profile
Alasdair Nottingham discusses the WebSphere Liberty profile and how it and the full profile make use of the OSGI subsystem spec and Enterprise OSGi.
Interview with Mike Milinkovich about the past, present and future of Eclipse
In this interview, recorded at EclipseCon 2013, InfoQ asks Mike Milinkovich about the history of the platform and foundation, recent changes, and where Eclipse is going in the future.
Interview with Paul Webster, Eclipse Platform UI lead on Eclipse 4
Paul Webster provides some history and context for the evolution of the Eclipse 4 project, and sketches out where it is going with the Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and Luna (4.4) releases in the future.