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Interview with Eclipse CDT Project Lead, Doug Schaefer
Doug Schaefer talks with Alex Blewitt at EclipseCon 2013 in Boston about the origins of the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling, and where it's going in the future. Read on to find out more.
Interview with Sven Efftinge on Xtend and Xtext
Sven Efftinge talks with Alex Blewitt at EclipseCon 2013 in Boston about Xtend, a Java-compatible language which, and Xtext, a general DSL and IDE editor framework. Read on to find out more.
Ben Christensen on Resilience at Netflix with Hystrix, Reactive Programming for the JVM with RxJava
Ben Christensen explains how Netflix manages to stay online even with millions of users, the Hystrix fault tolerance library, how Netflix discovered reactive programming and why it ported Rx to Java.
Martijn Verburg Talks About jClarity, Adopt a JSR and Java Security
Martijn Verburg discusses his new start-up jClarity, which offers performance tooling for the Cloud. He also provides an update on the Adopt a JSR and Adopt OpenJDK programs.
JFrog 's Shlomi Ben-Haim and Baruch Sadogursky On Artifactory and Bintray
Baruch Sadogursky and Shlomi Ben Haim discuss the impotence of Binary repositories for building modular software, JFrog's Artifactory and Bintray products, and their partnership with Black Duck.
Jim Hirschauer on Application Monitoring, AppDynamics 3.7
Jim Hirschauer describes the application monitoring tool landscape, KPIs and metrics to consider when monitoring, and compares monitoring traditional vs. cloud-based applications. He talks about performance considerations when instrumenting code, how organizations can be 'Smarter' about their Big Data, and looks at what's new in AppDynamics 3.7.
David Nolen on Logic and Constraint Programming, Core.logic, Mozart/Oz
David Nolen explains the ideas behind logic and constraint programming, how they're used in his Clojure core.logic library, Prolog, the features in the Oz language and Mozart/Oz, and much more.
Sadek Drobi, the Play 2.0 Story and what's new in 2.1
Sadek talks about the origins of Playframework, motivations behind 2.0 rewrite and Scala integration. He explains how important is it to have appropriate architecture and programming model while dealing with Realtime. He then reveals some features of the newly released 2.1 version.
Jeff Brown on Grails 2 and Groovy
Jeff talks about the powerful features that come with Grails 2 and how it can be used as a rapid application development framework. He also compares it with Rails and Django and explains how it can be combined with other components from the Spring portfolio.
Brandon Carlson on Measurement, Professionalism and Fearing Our Customers
Brandon Carlson discusses his Agile journey, measurement and some code metrics tools he is working on. He also shares his views on professionalism and the importance of not fearing your customers.
David Nolen on ClojureScript, Javascript, Source Maps
David Nolen explains the state of ClojureScript and how it integrates with browsers and the Javascript ecosystem. Also: Source Maps and how they will make Javascript a better compilation target.
Emil Eifrem on NoSQL, Graph Databases, and Neo4j
Emil Eifrem looks back at the history of Neo4j, an open-source, NoSQL graph database supported by Neo Technology. He describes some real world applications of graphs, domain modelling with graphs, and compares the performance of graph and relational databases. He also examines how Neo4j differs from other NoSQL and graph databases in the market and describes various Neo4j licensing options.