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Michael Hunger on Spring Data Neo4j, Graph Databases, Cypher Query Language
In this interview, Michael Hunger talks about the evolution of persistence technologies over the last decade, the emergence of NoSQL databases, and looks at where graph databases fit in. He describes the goals behind the Spring Data Neo4j project, it's latest developments, and examines Cypher, a humane and declarative query language for graphs.
Stuart Williams on Vert.x
Stuart Williams explains vert.x: basic idea and architecture, how it uses Java's NIO and async APIs, how it allows using various JVM languages (Groovy, JRuby, Scala, etc), the EventBus and much more.
Rich Hickey on Datomic, CAP and ACID
Rich Hickey explains the basics of Datomic, its approach to transactions and query, Datalog, CAP, ACID and BASE, and much more.
Bob Lee on Java's Future, Lambdas, DI with Guice vs Dagger, Java and Ruby at Square
Bob Lee explains the popularity of Java, future language features like Lambdas, DI with Guice vs. the Dagger framework, the role of Java vs. Ruby at Square, hiring at Square, security and much more.
Declan Whelan on Agile Coaching, Lean Startups and the Agile Alliance
Declan Whelan discusses Agile Coaching and the lessons learnt returning to coding as part of a new lean startup as well Agile Coach Camp, pair coaching and his role on the Agile Alliance board.
Erik Meijer discusses programming language design, effects and some web programming problems
Erik Meijer distinguishes between two kinds of programming languages, pure functional and all the others. He emphasizes some issues regarding mixing higher order programming with effects. Erik then talks about the nature of Javascript, and true problems we need to solve in web programming.
Stefan Tilkov on REST and Hypermedia, ROCA, WebSockets vs. HTTP
Stefan Tilkov explains the importance of Hypermedia in REST and how to use it, ROCA (Resource oriented client architecture), WebSockets vs polling or server sent events, and much more.
Debasish Ghosh on Functional Programming, NoSQL
Debasish Ghosh talks about the advantages of functional programming and how its abstractions help to reason about code, Monads, DSLs, NoSQL and MongoDB, and much more.
Robert Winch on Spring Security and Multi-Tenant Applications on the Cloud
In this interview recorded at QCon NY 2012 Conference, Spring Security project lead Robert Winch discusses the new features of Spring Security 3.1 version and design strategies for multi-tenant cloud applications.
Peter Bell on the State of Java, Managing Software Development Teams, Startups
Peter Bell discusses the state of Java today and whether startups are using it or not, polyglot programming, startups in New York, how to keep up to date with technology, and much more.
Yakov Fain on Java, JavaScript and Mobile Development
Yakov Fain talks about the future of Java, the adoption of JavaScript, developing for the mobile space, and much more.
Rick Hudson on Parallel JavaScript (RiverTrail)
In this interview, Intel's Rick Hudson talks about Parallel JavaScript (formerly known as "RiverTrail"), a new parallel programming API designed specifically for JavaScript. Rick describes RiverTrail and its vision of how to leverage current and future parallel hardware from within the browser and JavaScript.