InfoQ Homepage JavaScript Content on InfoQ
Painless JavaScript Testing with CodeceptJS
Michael Bodnarchuk introduces CodeceptJS, a JS testing meta-framework meant to simplify end-to-end testing.
JS � Character Encodings
Anna Henningsen gives an overview over what character encodings are, what the JavaScript language provides to interact with them, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in Node.js and the Web.
Putting Node.js Serverless Apps into Production without the Pitfalls
Eoin Shanaghy covers the highs and lows of building Node.js apps with Serverless. He also shows how TypeScript-based Infrastructure as Code is the way forward!
Running Third-Party JavaScript
Kate Sills discusses how to minimize the risks of running third-party JavaScript. She goes over POLA, and how object capabilities can help grant specific, limited resources to third-party code.
Bangle.js - Creating a Smart Watch with JavaScript
Gordon Williams talks about how he took an off the shelf smart watch, reverse engineered it, installed a JS interpreter on 400 of them and got them into the hands of the attendees at NodeConf EU.
Hello Quantum Developers World - Yet Another Frontier for JavaScript
Miguel Ramalho talks about the principles of Quantum Computing, how it differs from Classical Computing, how and why it is evolving so fast. He also talks about the so-promised Quantum Developers.
Design Decisions for Perfect JavaScript Testing Framework
Michael Bodnarchuk discusses solving testing issues in JS: choosing proper abstraction level, choosing a running backend, dealing with asynchronicity, and choosing a test runner.
Creating High-Performance Web Apps with WebAssembly
Konstantin Möllers shows how WebAssembly works and how it can be used to develop a hybrid app with high-performance code written in Rust and UI code written in JavaScript.
We Also Can Do It! Machine Learning in Javascript!
Eliran Eliassy shows how to create a prediction model with a web application using TensorFlow.js and other deep learning tools that can run in the browser.
Panel: JavaScript - Is the Insanity Over?
Is JavaScript finally ready to make developers happy? Are the days of transpiling really numbered? People seem to be stuck with JavaScript, but the developer experience might just be getting better.
Making Npm Install Safe
Kate Sills discusses how to minimize the risks of running third-party JavaScript.
Pick Your Region: Earth; Cloudflare Workers
Ashley Williams discusses what affects the performance of web applications and how Cloudflare helps with that.