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Full Stack Angular: Live Coding and Discussion
Kyle Cordes demos the creation of an Angular+Node+Nest+GraphQL project.
Make Your Electron App Feel at Home Everywhere
Kilian Valkhof discusses the process of making an Electron app feel at home on all three platforms: Windows, MacOS and Linux, making devs aware of the pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Real-World Examples of FaaS
John Graham-Cumming talks about Cloudflare Workers, a new architecture launched by Cloudflare over a year ago, and looks at real world examples of what's being built using this architecture.
Does JavaScript Adopt Functional Programming?
Yoav Luft discusses a study attempting to determine whether JavaScript developers are adopting a more declarative programming style, and whether this style is influenced by functional programming.
Bringing JAMStack to the Enterprise
Jamund Ferguson talks about some of the challenges PayPal faced with their Node.js application servers, why they think the JAMStack approach improves performance for their apps and their developers.
Making 'npm install' Safe
Kate Sills talks about some of the security issues using NPM packages, and Realms and SES (Secure ECMAScript) as possible solutions to NPM package security vulnerabilities.
Programming the Cloud with TypeScript
Luke Hoban reviews the unique benefits of applying programming languages in general, and TypeScript in particular, to the cloud infrastructure domain.
Rust, WebAssembly, and Javascript Make Three: An FFI Story
Ashley Williams talks about the Rust and WebAssembly toolchain and the technical work involved in creating a developer-friendly experience designed to grow adoption of WebAssembly.
Build Node.js APIs Using Serverless
Simona Cotin talks about how to migrate an API of an existing app to Azure Functions, and how to use Visual Studio Code and the Azure Functions extension to speed up work.
RxJS: A Better Way to Write Front-End Applications
Hannah Howard talks about the premise of functional reactive programming and how it represents a major conceptual shift but one that can vastly simplify front-end programming.
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux
Matt Raible explores techniques for making an application fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React.
Fine-Grained Sandboxing with V8 Isolates
Kenton Varda explains how Cloudflare built a compute platform using V8 isolates instead of containers or VMs, achieving 10x-100x faster cold starts and lower memory footprints.