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  • Red Hat Joins Open JDK Community

    Red Hat announced that it is joining the OpenJDK project and has licensed the OpenJDK Community Test Compatibility Kit (TCK).

  • Java Modularity Proposal: iJAM

    A new proposal, iJAM, has circulated on the JSR-294 and modules-dev mailing lists suggesting some changes to the logic supplied in the strawman proposal for JSR-294 'superpackages' and receiving some positive feedback.

  • Interview: Peter Kriens discusses OSGi

    OSGi is a Java modular development specification. OSGi is used in a wide variety of applications, from mobile phones to enterprise servers and the Eclipse IDE. In this interview, Peter Kriens explains where OSGi came from, what sorts of applications it's useful for, integration with Spring, the JSR 277/294 debate, and the future of OSGi.

  • JSR 277 and JSR 291 Interoperability threatened by lack of a prototype

    The latest salvo in the discussion of JSR 277, JSR 291, and OSGi appeared last week in the form of a post by Glyn Normington, spec lead for JSR 291 and Expert Group member for JSR 277. He is concerned that the Expert Group has not been presented with a strawman yet and that the Expert Group will end up merely rubber stamping the strawman rather than discussing it in detail and making changes.

  • Apache Geronimo 2.0: Certified Java EE 5 compatible

    Apache Geronimo, an open-source Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server, recently released version 2.0.1. InfoQ took the opportunity to learn more about Apache Geronimo and where it fits into the application server space.

  • Interview: OpenJPA & the JPA spec with Patrick Linskey

    OpenJPA is an implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA) which can be used as a stand-alone POJO persistence layer, or it can be integrated into any EJB3.0 compliant container and many lightweight frameworks. In this interview, Patrick Linskey explains where OpenJPA came from, how it fits into the O/R Mapping space, the JPA specification, and future plans for OpenJPA.

  • Sun Releases JCK to OpenJDK and its Derivatives

    Sun Microsystems today announced the release of a new license for Java Compatibility Kit (JCK). The specially drafted OpenJDK Community TCK License - as the name suggests - is designed to benefit the OpenJDK community by allowing much easier access to the JCK and therefore ensuring conformance to the Java standard is maintained.

  • OSGi and JSR 277 Debate Continues to Grow

    The debate over JSR 277 (Java Module System) and OSGi (JSR 291) is picking up steam again, with the JSR 316 (Java EE 6) submission restarting the previous debate about the overlap between OSGi and JSR 277. InfoQ has collected and summarized several viewpoints and arguments around this debate.

  • Apache JCK Request Hits 90 Days without Resolution

    More than three months have passed since Geir Magnusson Jr., VP of Apache Harmony, published an open letter to Sun Microsystems demanding that they should remove "unacceptable" restrictions in the Java Compatibility Kit (JCK) license. At present 90 days have passed with no resolution.

  • Patrick Curran replaces Onno Kluyt as JCP Chair

    Onno Kluyt has announced that he will be stepping down as the Chair of the Java Community Process. He has held this role since July 2004 and managed the JCP program in several previous roles. Replacing him as Chair will be Patrick Curran, a fifteen-year veteran of Sun, and most recently the lead of Sun's Conformance Engineering team.

  • Gavin King's Second Wishlist for Java EE 6: JSF and EL Enhancements

    Gavin King, Hibernate creator and Seam project lead, has posted the second and third parts to his wishlist for Java EE 6. In these installments he focuses on enhancements for JSF and Unified EL.

  • OpenJDK Project Releases Java Module System (JSR 277) and Improved Modularity (JSR 294) EA Snapshot

    The OpenJDK project has released early an access snapshot of the Java Module System (JSR 277) and Improved Modularity Support (JSR 294). JSR 277 addresses modularity from a deployment unit perspective. JSR 294 addresses modularity from a development perspective, introducing a new language construct, called superpackages, for information hiding.

  • Profiles & Extensibility Major Refactorings in Proposed Java EE 6

    The Java EE 6 (JSR 316) proposal was published today. Two major themes for release are extensibility and profiles. Interface 21 CEO Rod Johnson has written a lengthy commentary on the proposal going so far as to declare his support for the JSR.

  • Sun Submits Servlet 3.0 Specification to JCP

    Sun has submitted the Servlet 3.0 specification to the Java Community Process (JCP) as Java Specification Request (JSR) 315. High level goals include web framework pluggability, EoD (ease of development) features, async and Comet support, security, alignment with other specifications, and various other improvements.

  • The Future of SCA

    In a panel on the Service Component Architecture (SCA) at JavaOne, one of the controversive topics was the SCA client programming model. Moderator David Chappell and Gregor Hohpe share their impressions.