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  • Java Goes Real Time

    Yesterday at Java One Sun finally announced the first implementation of JSR-1, the Real-time Specification for Java, since it was finalized in July of 2006.

  • Consensus Reached on Closure Proposals

    Neal Gafter has announced a consensus proposal for closures in Java. All but one of the authors of the three biggest closure proposals (BGGA, FCM, CICE) has signed on as supporting the JSR.

  • NIO.2 (JSR 203) Early Draft Review Available

    The JSR 203 Expert Group has submitted the Early Draft Review, with comments due by May 27th. JSR 203, also called NIO.2, is billed as the next step forward from the NIO capabilities added in Java 1.4.

  • Java Closure Proposals Compared, JCA Position Paper Announced

    Howard Lovatt, the author of the C3S proposal for closures in Java, has written a detailed comparison of the four best known proposals (C3S, FCM, CICE, and BGGA). At the same time the authors of the FCM proposal have released a new position paper building on FCM for control abstraction. Ricky Clarkson thinks that CICE is insufficient and wonders if internal politics at Google are affecting it.

  • Apache Harmony Questions Sun Regarding JCK License Terms

    Yesterday, Geir Magnusson Jr., VP of Apache Harmony, wrote an open letter to Sun Microsystems expressing dissatisfaction with IP rights restrictions in the Java Compatibility Kit license and frustration over the lack of traction discussing the matter with Sun.

  • What Should be In JEE 6? Gavin King's Wish List

    Gavin King, Hibernate creator and Seam project lead, has posted the first of a series of posts containing his wish-list of features for JEE 6. Among his suggestions are increased concurrency options, simplified JMS/JavaMail, and optional business interfaces for EJB's.

  • Update on Java Modules

    Glyn Normington has written an overview of Java modularity covering JSR 277, JSR 291 and JSR 294. He describes how each is different and adds value, and later responds to the question of why we need modularity support in the JVM, as opposed to custom classloaders (like OSGi).

  • New JSR Proposed: Java API for RESTful Web Services

    Sun has submitted JSR 311, Java API for RESTful Web Services, to the JCP, aiming to "enable developers to rapidly build Web applications in Java that are characteristic of the best designed parts of the Web". Reactions from the REST crowd are mixed.

  • Beans Binding Update: Scott Violet on JSR 295

    Scott Violet has written an update on the status of JSR 295 (Beans Binding). While externally, there has been little happening since last summer, the expert group has made substantial progress and he posts a small demo and some code.

  • Java Module System (JSR 277) Presentation from Spec Lead Stanley Ho

    The BeJUG website recently released a presentation on the Java Module System (JSR 277) by spec lead Stanley Ho. The presentation covers the driving forces for JSR 277 such as classpath and jar hell. The online presentation also includes over five minutes of QA time after the presentation.

  • JSR-310 Announced: Date and Time API

    Stephen Colebourne has announced JSR 310, a new Date and Time API, to be based on Joda-Time and hopefully shipping in Java 7. As the JSR reads, the goal is to provide a more advanced and comprehensive model for date and time than those found in the Date and Calendar APIs.

  • JSR 296 Swing Application Framework Prototype Release

    One of the common developer complaints with Swing since its inception has been where is the application framework. JSR 296 - Swing Application Framework which is attempting to address this issue released its first prototype this week.

  • JSR 291 (OSGi) passes Public Review ballot

    JSR 291 (OSGi 4.1) has passed its Public Review ballot. There were two no votes, by Sun and Hani Suleiman, both arguing that that the expert group merely pointed to the OSGi spec, rather than working to define what was needed.

  • Improving Java EE Application startup time with the WorkManager API

    A new article on JavaWorld details how to improve the startup time of a Java EE application by converting startup servlets into Work Implementations handled by the WorkManager API. The WorkManager API is an API supported by multiple application servers and designed to allow parallel task execution inside of a managed environment.

  • Eclipse Foundation joins JCP, OMG, and OSGi Alliance

    Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, has announced that they are joining the Java Community Process. At the same time they are joining the Object Management Group (OMG) and the OSGi Alliance. They're also working towards joining ObjectWeb and OpenAjax.