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  • ONJava's 2007 Predictions

    ONJava Editor Chris Adamson has posted his 2007 predictions for the Java world. He takes a look at the major changes in 2006 and says what to look for as a result of them. He focuses on open-sourcing Java, the Java Platform, changes outside of Sun, and the JCP.

  • JSR 291 (OSGi R4.1) Available for Public Review

    JSR 291 Available for Public Review JSR 291 has been made available for public review. JSR 291 is also known as OSGi core spec R4.1.

  • JSR 277 & 294 leads respond to concerns over OSGi overlap and transparency

    After the early draft release of JSR 277 a number of questions were raised by the Java community at large about JSR 277, JSR 294 and OSGi. InfoQ sat down with Stanley Ho's (Spec Lead of JSR 277) and Andreas Strebenz (co-Spec Lead of JSR 294) to discuss some of the Java community's concerns.

  • Advanced Java Content Repository Techniques

    Two new articles are out bolstering the documentation on using JSR-170, the Java Content Repository API. The first is a practitioner's perspective which has an informative FAQ and the second is an in-depth look at versioning and observation using JackRabbit.

  • Interview with Hans Muller about JSR-296: Swing Application Framework

    Artima has an interview with Hans Muller, the spec lead for JSR 296: Swing Application Framework discussing where it fits in with existing gui toolkits and rich client platforms as well as how it addresses the main developer frustrations of desktop Swing development, including wiring actions, multithreading, and GUI design.

  • Community Begins Reviewing Java Module System (JSR 277) Early Draft

    The early draft of JSR 277 was recently released. Community review is open until Nov. 13th. This JSR seeks to improve the distribution of Java applications by defining a distribution format and a repository for collections of Java code and related resources.

  • Catching up with the Java Content Repository

    The Java Content Repository (JCR) API provides a standard way to access content repositories. Content repositories is a superset of a traditional data repository that adds features such as full text searching and storing of structured/unstructured data. OnJava has released a new article by Sunil Patil detailing the installation, configuration, and usage of a Version 1.0 implementation.

  • Evolving the JCP Process - JSR 306 Passes JSR Approval Ballot

    The Java Community Process is scheduled to be revised as a result of JSR 306, Towards a new version of the JCP. The JSR proposes a number of changes for the JSPA and JCP process. Goals include increasing JSR transparency, optimizing ease of participation for individuals, and easing the migration of pre-existing technologies into JCP standards.

  • Sun Officially Backs Ruby, Brings JRuby In-House

    Charles Nutter, one of the developers of the JRuby (Ruby on JVM) project, announces JRuby is being brought into the Sun Microsystems fold.

  • Spring and EJB 3 Compared

    devx is hosting an article comparing Spring 2 and EJB 3 focusing on support for persistence, transaction management, and statefulness, concluding that support is mostly the same with but with EJB being slightly better at handling state.

  • Sun Creates Feature Removal Process for the Java Platform

    No feature has ever been removed from the Java SE platform, and the stand policy has been that no feature ever will be removed. JSR 270 takes the first step to reversing this trend with the definition of a set of guidelines to govern removal of features with javax.sound.midi being the first considered.

  • JSR 284: Towards a "virtual Java virtual machine"

    The first early review draft of JSR 284: Resource Consumption Management API has been posted for review. Spec lead Greg Czajkowski told InfoQ "In some respects this is a step towards "virtual Java virtual machine", where a single instance of the JVM can host programs whose data and performance can be isolated from one another."

  • CRX Content Repository for Java 1.2 Released

    Day Software has released version 1.2 of Day Content Repository Extreme (CRX). CRX is a content repository implementing the new Content Repository for Java Technology (JCR) standard. This release adds Apache Derby support, Active/Passive Clustering, and full JSR 170 compliance. InfoQ spoke to Day CTO David Nuescheler to get more information.

  • Revisiting the Need for Asynchronous Servlets

    As we transition from a page based view of web application development to an Ajax style data based new server programming needs emerge. Gregg Wilkins, lead developer on the Jetty web container, has been examining the need for an Asynchronous Servlet API in a series of blog posts. This review has resulted in Gregg concluding that continuations are the best solution at the present time.

  • Mastering EJB 3.0 is Out

    The fourth edition of the best seller Mastering EJB is now launched and as per prior tradition, is available for free download on The new version is updated for EJB 3.0 and also covers tips and techniques related to deployment, and integration.