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  • Eclipse Foundation Leads JCP Elections

    Last week finalized elections for the open seats with the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC). Receiving the most votes this year for the elected positions is the Eclipse Foundation, which will hold its seat for a two year term within the voting body.

  • Azul Systems and Gil Tene, CTO and Co-Founder, Named "JCP Member of the Year" at JavaOne

    Azul Systems and Gil Tene have been named Java Community Process (JCP) Member of the Year at the JavaOne 2013 conference, held last week in San Francisco. The award recognizes the corporate or individual member who has made the most positive impact on the Java community in the past year.

  • Surprising Conclusions from London Java Community JCP Survey

    The London Java Community, London's most famous Java meetup, published the results of their survey about the Java Community Process that expose some surprising trends. The LJC, represented by member Ben Evans, currently holds one of the 24 seats on the JCP Executive Committee, and the LJC has been very active in promoting their "Adopt A JSR" initiative promoting community support for the JCP.

  • Java EE 7 WebSocket Support

    Java EE 7 introduces a number of new APIs and changes to existing APIs that cater to web developers using HTML5. There are three areas of interest: a new API for working with JSON, a significant update to JSF for working with new attributes, and a new API for working with the WebSocket protocol, one of a variety of technologies that make up HTML5.

  • Java EE 7, Spring Standardize Batch

    This month’s release of the Java EE 7 platform includes a specification for a batch processing programming model that is heavily derived from Pivotal’s Spring Batch project.

  • Q&A With Oracle Vice President of Software Development Anil Gaur on the Java EE 7 Release

    Oracle is officially launching Java EE 7 with a webcast later today. Ahead of the release InfoQ sat down with Anil Gaur, vice president of software development at Oracle, to find out more about this release and future plans

  • Oracle Officially Launching Java EE 7 and Glassfish 4 Today

    Oracle is officially launching Java EE 7 with a live webcast today at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm London, and a repeat performance at 9 pm PT / 12 am ET (Thursday) / 2 pm Sydney (Thursday). Along with the release Oracle has put out added a reference implementation for the specification in the form of GlassFish 4.0, and we are expecting to see an official release of Netbeans 7.3.1 in due course.

  • Oracle Reinstates Free Time Zone Updates for Java 7

    The internet has been buzzing this week with the news that Oracle has ceased to provide free time zone updates outside of the standard JDK release cycle. However, at the end of yesterday the firm appeared to have a change of heart.

  • Standard Java API for JSON

    JSR-353, the Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P), has reached final approval ballot this month. JSON-P (similar to JAXP) consists of a Streaming API (similar to StAX) and an Object Model API (similar to DOM). Please note that this API does not include JSON data binding (similar to JAXB), and is unrelated to the more popular JSONP or "JSON with padding".

  • Adopt a JSR Follow-up Online Meeting Tomorrow

    Following a first online call on January 18th, involving over 40 JUG leaders/members from around the world, the people behind the 'Adopt a JSR' program are hosting a follow up online meeting on Wednesday February 27th.

  • Java Time API Now In Java 8

    ThreeTen, the reference implementation of JSR 310 Date and Time API, is now included in JDK 8 build 75. The Java Time API for JDK 8 is under the package java.time, moving away from the javax.time package of earlier implementations. All the Java Time classes are immutable and thread-safe, based on the ISO 8601 calendar system, the de facto world calendar following the proleptic Gregorian rules.

  • Adopt-a-JSR Program Online Meetup Today

    Adopt a JSR Program is an initiative to encourage Java User Group (JUG) members to get involved in the Java Community Process (JCP) by adopting a Java Specification Request (JSR). The team behind the Adopt-a-JSR program is hosting an online meetup on January 18. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and contribute to JCP process.

  • Adopt a JSR Program Receives Increased Oracle Backing

    Oracle throws weight behind London JUG Adopt a JSR Program

  • GE Energy Uses InvokeDynamic to Bring Magik to the JVM

    In July, the Digital Energy unit within GE Energy Management disclosed that they were in the process of porting their Smalltalk-inspired programming language, Magik, from its own proprietary Virtual Machine, MagikSF, to the JVM. With the port now well under way, InfoQ spoke to project lead/architect George Marrows to find out more.

  • Java EE 7 Expert Group Seeking Community Feedback

    As JSR 342, the specification for Java EE 7, makes its way through early draft review the expert group is keen to get community feedback on a number of open issues. These include which of the new APIs should be added to the Java EE Full/Web Profile, as well as how to better align CDI with Java EE.