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  • JCP Reform Continues as London Java Community and CloudBees Win Seats on Executive Committee

    The results are in for the JCP 2012 elections, with the London Java Community re-elected and PaaS provider CloudBees being elected for the first time in the open vote. Following the vote, the SE/EE and ME Executive Committees will be merged into a single Executive Committee, which will start to focus on the thorny matter of IP issues.

  • JRuby 1.7.0 Released: Defaults to Ruby 1.9 Mode, Can Use InvokeDynamic

    JRuby 1.7.0 now defaults to Ruby 1.9 mode and supports almost all of 1.9's features. On recent JVM implementations that support invokedynamic, using JRuby 1.7 can increase application performance.

  • Is It Time For WADL in JAX-RS?

    At JavaOne 2012 in a panel session around the future of Java EE, the audience were keen to know whether or not WADL should be a standard part of JAX-RS. Although the panel were unable to agree, the audience appeared to be more pro WADL than against. So is this a good thing or is WADL still considered unnecessary for successful REST?

  • Dagger: A Dependency Injection Framework For Android

    Dagger is a new dependency injection framework for the Android environment. It offers a subset of features of Google Guice (some of the developers work on both projects) but focuses on a lightweight solution in order to offer better performance. Dagger also attempts to report binding errors during compile time instead of run time.

  • New Date and Time API Looks Set for Java 8

    Following refactoring work carried out over the summer to simplify and refine the API, JSR 310, the long running Java Specification Request led by Stephen Colebourne to replace Java's complex date APIs, has been added to the feature list for Java 8. It is expected to arrive in January 2013’s milestone 6 release.

  • Project Lambda Mailing Lists to be Made Public

    Brian Goetz, Java Language Architect at Oracle and specification lead for the Lambda expressions project, has announced that mailing lists for JSR 335 will be made publicly available.

  • Oracle Dropping Cloud Support from Java EE 7 Plans

    In a move that is becoming rather familiar, Oracle has announced that it is looking to reduce the scope of Java EE 7 in order to keep development on track, by deferring PaaS and multi-tenancy support to Java EE 8.

  • Inside the Java Community Process

    The first in a new regular feature where we report on the results of the monthly meetings of the Java Community Process.

  • Community-Driven Research: What Are Your Priorities for Java and the JVM?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with a second question about "What Are Your Priorities for Java and the JVM?". This is part of our new service that we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • WebSockets versus REST?

    With WebSockets now a W3C Candidate Recommendation and a new JSR about to start in the JCP, the question arises about how and if WebSockets work with the principles of REST? Do they compliment each other, or will WebSockets, as some people believe, divert attention away from REST and towards a new style of interaction for the Web? There is even the suggestion that WebSockets "breaks the Web".

  • Date4j - A Minimalistic Library for Handling Dates

    Date4j is a minimalistic library for handling dates in Java offering very high precision (nanoseconds) and configurable options for month overflows.

  • Azul Systems and Twitter Elected to the JCP Executive Committee, VMware No Longer Represented

    Twitter and Azul Systems have been elected to serve on the JCP Executive Committee for Java SE/EE, on voting percentages of 32% and 19% respectively. Both firms have also joined the OpenJDK project. VMware is no longer represented.

  • Apache TomEE Certified Web Profile Compatible

    Yesterday at JavaOne, the Apache Foundation announced the availability of the Apache TomEE stack, a Java EE 6 Web Profile Compatible Implementation.

  • InvokeDynamic and Javascript: New Compiler Dyn.js, Oracle Nashorn and Rhino

    Dyn.js is a new implementation of Javascript for Java. It makes use of Java 7's new features for dynamic languages (invokedynamic, Method Handles). InfoQ talked to dyn.js creator Douglas Campos about the reasons to create another Javascript for the JVM (next to Rhino and the announced Oracle Nashorn) and implementation details of dyn.js.

  • JSR-107, JCache: Alive and Going to be Part of Java EE 7

    Distributed caching is the tip of the spear for performance, yet Java does not have a standard API. JSR-107 has gained some notoriety over the years because its old yet not done. Given the increased demand for caching, it seems JSR-107 will finally see the light of day, and be part of Java EE 7. InfoQ caught up with Greg Luck, JSR-107 specification and Ehcache lead developer to discuss.