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  • Heather VanCura, Director of the JCP, Speaks to InfoQ on the JCP 20th Anniversary

    Heather VanCura, director of the Java Community Process (JCP) and chairperson of the JCP Executive Committee (EC), recently visited the campuses of BNY Mellon in Pittsburgh and New York City to present in honor of the 20th anniversary of the JCP. This event was held in partnership with the NYJavaSIG and the ACGNJ Java Users Group. VanCura spoke to InfoQ about the JCP and the 20th Anniversary.

  • 2018 JCP Election Results Introduces BNY Mellon as a First-Time Member

    The Fall 2018 Java Community Process (JCP) election slate featured eight ratified seats, three elected seats, and one associate seat. The Bank of New York (BNY) Mellon is a first-time member of the JCP. Representing BNY Mellon are Donald Raab, managing director, and Chandra Guntur, director. Raab and Guntur spoke to InfoQ about this latest milestone for BNY Mellon and what they plan to accomplish.

  • Jakarta EE Working Group Established

    Future versions of the Java EE technology will be branded as Jakarta EE, and it’s currently under active development at the Eclipse Foundation. When Java EE was under Oracle’s stewardship, it used the JCP to make decisions and introduce new features. Since there’s no JCP for Java EE at Eclipse, a new process had to be established. That process is now called the Jakarta EE Working Group.

  • No JCP for Java EE

    Oracle does not support or recommend the use of the JCP (Java Community Process) for future Java EE enhancements. "Oracle recommends and supports the use of EE4J-driven processes for functional enhancements to Java EE 8 specifications, and does not recommend or support use the JCP process for any future Java EE 8 functional enhancements."

  • Java Community Process Reacts to Release Cycle Announcement

    The overall reaction of the Java Community Process to Oracle's Java release cycle announcement seems to be relatively positive. Some leading members provide their view of the announcement.

  • JetBrains Elected to the JCP Executive Committee

    In a recent special election, JetBrains was elected to the JCP Executive Committee to fill one of the seats vacated by Ericsson and TOTVS. Trisha Gee, developer and technical advocate at JetBrains, spoke to InfoQ about this latest milestone for JetBrains, what they plan to accomplish, the recent JSR 376 vote, and plans for future development.

  • Mark Reinhold Confirms JPMS (Jigsaw) Will Be Submitted for Public Review, Despite Community Concerns

    Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle, has confirmed that Jigsaw will be submitted for public review, despite IBM and RedHat's concerns.

  • IBM and Red Hat to Vote "No" on Java Modules (Jigsaw)

    InfoQ has previously reported on the developing situation regarding JSR 376 - the Java Platform Module System, commonly called "Project Jigsaw". Now, in a highly unusual move, IBM and Red Hat have both publicly announced that they will vote "no" on Jigsaw in its current form.

  • Oracle Shares Their Strategy for Java EE with the JCP Executive Committee

    Anil Gaur, Oracle Group Vice President with responsibility for Java EE and WebLogic Server, was invited to speak at the last JCP Executive Committee meeting to shed some light on the future of Java EE. The core of his message was that enterprise programming is changing, and that Oracle wants to adapt to it. However, questions from the EC members indicated that the plan is still unclear.

  • New JSON Binding Library Is Ready for Public Review

    JSON-B, the JSON binding library expected to be added to Java EE 8, has been released for public review. The library builds on top of JSON Processing, and intends to provide a standard alternative to popular libraries like Jackson or Gson. The JSR is only targeted for inclusion Java EE though, meaning users of Java SE will still need to make use of external libraries.

  • JCP Election 2014 Results Announced

    The results of the Java Community Process Executive Committee (JCP EC) have been announced. All Ratified seats were returned. Elected members returned were: ARM, Azul, Hazelcast, Werner Keil and Geir Magnusson Jr.

  • JavaOne Press Panel - Community and Java SE

    Oracle execs hail community involvement in success and adoption of Java 8, announce better security features, but small number of new features.

  • Kulla Project: A REPL for Java

    A Java REPL will soon be coming to a JDK near you. Robert Field, engineer on the Langtools team at Oracle, recently proposed the creation of a Java REPL ("Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop") project. After a vote, the project, known as Project Kulla was approved. A REPL is essentially a scripting shell or console, such as a UNIX shell or Groovy console, that can be used for algorithm exploration.

  • CloudBees Exit PaaS Business, Resign JCP Executive Committee Seat

    CloudBees have announced they are exiting the PAAS business to focus on Enterprise Jenkins. With this new focus, they have resigned from the Java Community Process Executive Committee.

  • JCP Enters Final Phase of Transparency and Developer Agreement Work

    Intellectual property concerns, transparency and the continuing development of a new version of the Java Specification Participation Agreement were among the topics at the recent meeting of the Java Community Process Executive Committee.