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InfoQ Homepage JCP Content on InfoQ

  • Infinispan Interview

    In this virtual interview we talk with Manik Surtani, the project lead for the JBoss Infinispan project, which is the latest offering to enter the open source data grid space. Manik covers Infinispan, how it relates to JBoss Cache and other alternatives, as well as where the project is going.

  • Sun's Disagreement With Apache Overshadows Java 7 Announcement

    Sun Microsystems have published an updated schedule for JDK 7 along with a list of the approved features, but the ongoing disagreement with Apache over licensing the Java Compatibility Kit (JCK) for Java SE threatens to overshadow the announcement.

  • Presentation: Evolving the Java Platform

    In this presentation recorded at QCon London 2008, Ola Bini talks about the current status of the JVM regarding languages running on top of it and the need to evolve in order to support dynamic languages.

  • Article: Distributed JBI

    Officially, the JBI (Java Business Integration) standard is limited to a single Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance. In a new article, Sun's Derek Frankforth describes and contrasts the strengths and weaknesses two different styles of setting up a distributed JBI topology using OpenESB, and shows how they complement each other in the end.

  • Sun's Future and Cloud Computing

    Sun's recent layoffs (which are said to be affecting people working on OpenJDK, the JCP, J2SE, and desktop Java), and also Sun's recent acquisition of cloud infrastructure vendor Q-Layer, keeps alive the question of how Sun will redefine its strategic direction and choose which of its many technology possibilities it will focus upon.

  • Java EE 6 Platform Draft Published featuring the Web Profile

    The public draft of the Java EE 6 Platform specification has been published and will remain open for public review and feedback until the 23rd of Feb, 2009. Maybe the most notable part of this delayed draft is the Web Profile, which is first profile in the history of the Java EE platform.

  • Article: Java 7 Module System Concerns

    In this article, Lukas Krecan, introduces the reader with some basic concepts of modularization, gives a roundup of some Java module systems and deals with how Project Jigsaw is connected to the upcoming Java 7.

  • Web Beans (JSR-299): Q&A with Specification Lead Gavin King

    An ambitious and key part of Java EE 6, the Web Beans specification spans JSF/EJB integration, context management, dependency injection and AOP. The specification is currently in public review and the review period has been extended into 2009. An Alpha build is also available. InfoQ talks to Gavin King to find out more about the state of play of the specification and progress to date.

  • Servlet 3.0 Public Review Sparks a Debate

    JSR-315 has produced a Public Review (PR) of the Servlet 3.0 specification, accompanied by a reference implementation in the GlassFish trunk. This release has resulted in a debate around the choices that the Expert Group (EG) has taken for the next generation Servlet APIs and the whole of the Java EE 6 platform.

  • Jigsaw - the death knell of JSR277?

    Following up from an earlier post about modularising the JDK (which InfoQ covered earlier), Mark Reinhold posted the announcement of Project Jigsaw as part of the OpenJDK. Is this the death of JSR277?

  • JCP Panel: The Community Demands More Openness and Easier Participation

    QCon San Francisco 2008 panel on Open Standards Development hosted Patrick Curran, JCP Chair and distinguished members of the community that shared experiences both on open standards and open source development. Almost from the beginning it became evident that there were two major issues that would dominate the discussion: Openness and Ease of entry level participation to the JCP.

  • Restlet 1.1.0: Improved Flexibility and Specification Support

    Restlet 1.1.0 has been released with a number of improvements, including support for the JAX-RS RESTful web-services specification, the WADL specification, Grizzly NIO connectors, as well as several other new features. InfoQ spoke to the project lead.

  • JavaServer Faces 2.0 Composite Components

    The JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 expert group have released Draft 2 for JSF 2.0. This introduces a composite component model based on the Facelets approach which greatly simplifies the building of custom components with the standard Java EE web framework.

  • Date and Time API: Round 3

    The existing Date and Calendar classes haven't really fit the bill for developers and have often been a painful area of the API to work with. JSR 310 aims to provide a complete, fully featured Date and Time API for the Java platform which might be available with Java 7.

  • A Comparison of JAX-RS Implementations

    The JAX-RS world now has at least 4 different implementations to choose from. But which is the best? Is that a valid question to ask at all? Well Solomon Duskis has set out to try to answer the question as best he can but comparing and contrasting the leading lights in this area.