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Java News Roundup: JEP Updates, GraalVM Code to OpenJDK, Return of JavaOne
This week's Java roundup for October 17th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20, JavaFX 20, Generational ZGC Build 20, Oracle Labs, Liberica JDK and Native Image Kit, Spring milestone, point and release candidates, EclipseLink 4.0, Quarkus 2.13.3, Micronaut 3.7.2, Hibernate Reactive 1.1.9, JHipster Lite 0.20, Apache Commons CVE, Groovy 4.0.6 and 2.5.29 and the return of JavaOne.
Java News Roundup: JDK 19 and Jakarta EE 10 Released, String Templates, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for September 19th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20, Amazon Corretto 19, BellSoft Liberica JDK 19, Jakarta EE 10, multiple Spring Framework updates, Quarkus 2.12.3, Payara Platform updates, Micronaut 3.7.0, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.14, JobRunr 5.2.0, PrimeFaces point releases, Failsafe 3.3.0, Apache Groovy 3.0.13 and Apache Log4j2 2.19.0.
Java 19 Delivers Features for Projects Loom, Panama and Amber
Oracle has released version 19 of the Java programming language and virtual machine with a final feature set that includes seven JEPs. This release features JEPs that provide continued contribution toward Project Amber, Project Loom and Project Panama along with a new feature that ports the JDK to the Linux/RISC-V instruction set.
Java News Roundup: Helidon Níma, Spring Framework, MicroProfile, MicroStream, Kotlin, Piranha
This week's Java roundup for September 12th, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, updates to Spring Framework, Spring Cloud and Spring Tools, introducing Helidon Níma, MicroProfile Reactive specifications, Quarkus 2.12.2, MicroStream 7.1.0, Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M6, Hibernate Search 6.1.7, JHipster Lite 0.15.1, Piranha Cloud 22.9.0, Kotlin 1.7.20-RC and Apache Tika 1.28.5.
JDK 19 and JDK 20: What We Know So Far
JDK 19, the second non-LTS release since JDK 17, has reached its initial release candidate phase with a final set of seven (7) new features, in the form of JEPs, that can be separated into three categories: Core Java Library, Java Specification and Hotspot Compiler. We examine JDK 19 and predict what features may be targeted for JDK 20.
Java News Roundup: JReleaser 1.2, Spring Batch, PrimeFaces, Quarkus, JobRunr, Apache Beam
It was very quiet for Java news during the week of August 22nd, 2022, featuring news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring Batch 5.0.0-M5, Quarkus 2.11.3, JReleaser 1.2.0, PrimeFaces 12.0.0-M3, JobRunr 5.1.8, Apache Beam 2.14.0 and Apache Johnzon 1.2.19.
Java News Roundup: JDK 19-RC1, Multiple Spring Updates, Micronaut, Helidon, Payara
This week's Java roundup for August 15th, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring Boot versions 2.7.3 and 2.6.11, Spring Authorization Server versions 1.0.0-M1 and 0.4.0-M1, Spring Security versions 5.7.3 and 5.6.7 and 5.8.0-M2, Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.9.5, Spring Shell 2.1.1, Payara Platform 5 Community Edition, Micronaut 3.6.1, Helidon 3.0.1 and Apache Camel 3.14.5.
Java News Roundup: Extent-Local Variables, Payara Platform, Project Reactor, Ktor, Spring Web Flow
This week's Java roundup for August 8th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20, Jakarta EE 10, Spring WebFlow 3.0.0-M1, Spring Tools 4.15.3, Payara Platform Enterprise 5.42.0, Quarkus 2.11.2, MicroStream 7.0.1-beta, Piranha 22.8.0, JobRunr 5.1.7, Eclipse Vert.x 4.3.3, Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M5, Ktor 2.1.0, Apache Camel 3.18.1 and KCDC Conference.
Java News Roundup: Spring Cloud, Liberica NIK, Open Liberty, Micronaut, JHipster, Apache ShenYu
This week's Java roundup for August 1st, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring point and milestone releases, Liberica NIK 22.2.0 and 21.3.3, Open Liberty and, Micronaut 3.6.0, WildFly 27 Alpha4, Hibernate ORM 6.1.2, Hibernate Validator 6.2.4, 7.0.5 and 8.0.0.CR2, Hibernate Search 6.1.6, JHipster 7.9.2, 7.9.1 and 7.9.0, JBang 0.96.4 and Apache ShenYu.
Java News Roundup: Helidon 3.0, GraalVM 22.2, IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2, Vert.x Virtual Threads
This week's Java roundup for July 25th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring project updates, Helidon 3.0, GraalVM 22.2, Quarkus 2.11.1 and 2.10.4, Micronaut 3.5.4, Eclipse Vert.x virtual threads incubator, Jakarta EE 10 updates, IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2, JUnit 5.9.0, Apache Software Foundation project updates and Multik 0.2.0.
Java News Roundup: JDK 19 in RDP2, Oracle Critical Patch Update, TornadoVM on M1, Grails CVE
This week's Java roundup for July 18th, 2022, features news from Oracle, JDK 18, JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring Boot and Spring Security milestone and point releases, Spring for GraphQL 1.0.1, Liberica JDK updates, Quarkus 2.10.3, CVE in Grails, JobRunr 5.1.6, JReleaser maintenance, Apache Tomcat 9.0.65 and 10.1.0-M17, Tornado VM on Apple M1 and the JBNC conference.
Java News Roundup: Eclipse Soteria 3.0, Log4j, Hibernate ORM, IntelliJ IDEA
This week's Java roundup for July 4th, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring projects updates, Open Liberty and, Quarkus 2.10.2, Hibernate ORM 5.6.10, Hibernate Reactive 1.1.7, Eclipse Foundation projects updates, Apache Software Foundation projects updates, JDKMon 17.0.31 and 17.0.29 and JetBrains product updates.
Java News Roundup: Payara Platform, JReleaser, Quarkus, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Apache Beam
It was relatively quiet in the Java community during the week of June 27th, 2022, which features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring Cloud 2020.0.6, Quarkus 2.10.1, Payara Platform Enterprise 5.40.0, JReleaser 1.1.0, Hibernate ORM 6.1.1, Apache Beam 2.40.0 and Apache Camel 3.14.4.
Java News Roundup: Classfile API Draft, Spring Boot, GlassFish, Project Reactor, Micronaut
This week's Java roundup for June 20th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring point releases, GlassFish 7.0.0-M6, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.12, Micronaut 3.5.2, Quarkus 2.10.0, Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M3, Apache Camel Quarkus 2.10.0, and Apache Tika versions 2.4.1 and 1.28.4.
Java News Roundup: NetBeans 14, End-of-Life for Spring Tool Suite 3, Hibernate 6.1, TornadoVM
This week's Java roundup for June 13th, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, Spring Framework 5.3.21, Spring CVE-2022-22979 report, Spring Cloud 2022.0.0-M3, Spring Tools 4.15, end-of-life for Spring Tool Suite 3, Hibernate 6.1.0-Final, Apache NetBeans 14, Apache Tomcat 8.5.81, Piranha 22.6.0, TornadoVM 0.14, JDKMon updates, JobRunr 5.1.4, JReleaser early-access.