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Ruby 2.5.0 Overview
Following the Christmas tradition for sixth year in a row, a new major release was released on December 25th. Ruby 2.5.0 features several performance related improvements improving performance by 5-10%. On library support, standard libraries have been promoted to default gems. yield_self and testing, no more require pp lines, and others are reviewed in the article.
JRuby 9000 Released Featuring Ruby 2.2 Compatibility
JRuby released version 9000, the ninth release of the popular implementation of Ruby for the Java Virtual Machine. InfoQ speaks to Charles Oliver Nutter co-lead of the JRuby project and senior engineer at Red Hat about the release and about Ruby in general.
Maven Escapes from XML
The recently released Maven 3.3.1 adds support for core extensions to be added to a project through additional metadata as well as using alternatives to the eponymous pom.xml file for building. This has been used to create build scripts for JRuby that build upon Maven but use a JRuby script to represent dependencies and plugins.
JRuby 9K Expected in 2014 Ready for Production
Charles Nutter, one of the lead developers of JRuby, announced the release of version 9000 (9K) in 2014. The new release targets the same feature set as Ruby MRI 2.0 and possibly 2.1 as well. Better performance, concurrency support and overall availability and portability provided by the use of the JVM can make this version suitable for production systems.
Ruby 2.1 Garbage Collection to Address Criticism on Large Scale Deployments
Ruby’s creator announced the move to generational garbage collection in Ruby 2.1 in what is expected to be an important performance boost for the language. The announcement took place during Barcelona Ruby Conference where Ruby’s GC was singled out as a major pain point in large scale Ruby deployments.
Cloud Foundry Core: Portability Across Cloud Foundry Vendors
Cloud Foundry Core is a web application that verifies public instances (Cloud Foundry Endpoints) against a common set of runtimes and services. This helps portability across companies that provide Cloud Foundry instances. At the same time a new version Micro Cloud Foundry is released with support for Java 7.0, JRuby, Play 2.0 framework and more.
Community-Driven Research: What's Your Next JVM Language?
InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 12th question: "What's Your Next JVM Language?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.
JRuby 1.7.0 Released: Defaults to Ruby 1.9 Mode, Can Use InvokeDynamic
JRuby 1.7.0 now defaults to Ruby 1.9 mode and supports almost all of 1.9's features. On recent JVM implementations that support invokedynamic, using JRuby 1.7 can increase application performance.
Community-Driven Research: Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM
InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 10th question: "Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.
JRuby 1.7 Preview 1 Released: Defaults to 1.9 and Improves Performance With Invokedynamic
The first preview release of the upcoming JRuby 1.7 defaults to Ruby 1.9 runtime mode and is much faster thanks to Java 7's invokedynamic. We talked to Charles Nutter to learn more about the future of JRuby on Java 7, Fibers and his move to Red Hat.
InvokeDynamic and Javascript: New Compiler Dyn.js, Oracle Nashorn and Rhino
Dyn.js is a new implementation of Javascript for Java. It makes use of Java 7's new features for dynamic languages (invokedynamic, Method Handles). InfoQ talked to dyn.js creator Douglas Campos about the reasons to create another Javascript for the JVM (next to Rhino and the announced Oracle Nashorn) and implementation details of dyn.js.
Rhino is About to Get a Lot Faster
Charles Nutter of JRuby fame recently started assisting the Rhino project (Java implementation of JavaScript) to speed up the Rhino JavaScript runtime.
JRuby Roundup: JRuby on EY AppCloud, JRuby-Lint, JRuby Delegates
JRuby is now available on EngineYard's AppCloud Beta program, set up to run with the Trinidad server. Nick Sieger has released jruby-lint, a static analysis tool that checks Ruby code bases for patterns that are either discouraged or perform badly on JRuby vs. MRI. Also: JRuby 1.6.2 is out.
Creating a new JVM language
Creating a new JVM based language has recently hit the for with the news of the proposed Ceylon project. In fact, the JVM already has a diverse set of languages, both statically typed and dynamically typed. What does it take for a new language to hit the mark?
JRuby 1.6 Released: Ruby 1.9.2 Compatible and C Extensions
JRuby 1.6.0 has been released and brings almost complete Ruby 1.9.2 support. Additionally, there's experimental support for C extensions, and Windows is now a primary platform. InfoQ talked to Thomas Enebo about the new release and what they have planned for the future.