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InfoQ Homepage JRuby Content on InfoQ

  • Interview: Guillaume Laforge on Groovy and DSLs

    Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge discusses the history of Groovy, it's relationship to Java, where Groovy fits into Java development, how Groovy compares to Ruby, how Groovy enables domain-specific languages, and what future Groovy development will focus on.

  • Oniguruma Java port speeds up JRuby

    Joni, the Java port of the Oniguruma Regex engine, has been merged into the JRuby trunk. This promises to be the final step in implementing compatible and fast Regexes for JRuby... and initial tests with REXML seem to back that up.

  • Lessons from building Oracle Mix on JRuby on Rails

    Rich Manalang posts a detailed report about the development of Oracle Mix, starting out on MRI, then moving to JRuby. Along the way, a few valuable lessons about JRuby (on Rails) development and performance pitfalls were learned.

  • Oracle Mix: First large JRuby on Rails app online

    JRuby on Rails powers its first public webapp: Oracle Mix, a social networking app, was announced at OracleWorld. Built in a few weeks by a team of Oracle and ThoughtWorks, it shows that its possible to build a large application using JRuby on Rails and the Oracle software stack.

  • First JRuby 1.1 beta and JRuby 1.0.2 released

    The first JRuby 1.1 beta was just released, shortly after the stable branch was updated with JRuby 1.0.2. Among many new features and better performance, ObjectSpace is now disabled by default in 1.1.

  • ThoughtWorks Releases Mingle 1.1

    Mingle R1.1 is out, just 3 months after after the first release, packed with new functionality driven by user feedback from the launch and beta period. In December R1.2 will be released.

  • IDE scripting with Ruby and Eclipse Monkey

    Eclipse Monkey now allows to script Eclipse with Ruby. This puts Eclipse closer to Smalltalk IDEs or Emacs, by allowing to automate tedious tasks or build simple tools right in the IDE using a familiar language.

  • JRuby ports of Ruby/LDAP, ruby-debug

    New ports of Ruby libraries for JRuby are being released every week. Ola Bini just released JRuby/LDAP and the work on a port of ruby-debug has reached a milestone.

  • JRuby compiler finished

    As Charles Nutter reports, JRuby's Ruby to Bytecode compiler is finished. This is used for AOT and JIT compilation, and will go into JRuby 1.1. Future plans include a compiler that could help with Java integration by turning Ruby classes into Java types.

  • Rubinius roundup

    Rubinius development is rapidly gathering speed, and performance is shaping up well, as seen in recent benchmark results. With even members of the JRuby team contributing and praising its merits, it's time to look at the current state of Rubinius again.

  • Indispensable Tips on Using Java Classes in JRuby

    Eric Armstrong, a Document Systems Architect at Sun Microsystems, recently wrote some great tips on calling Java code from JRuby in his post "Using Java Classes in JRuby".

  • Warbler: Rails Packaging for Java EE WAR files enhancement

    To enable easy deployment of your Rails application to JEE Servers, Nick Sieger improved upon Goldspike with 'Warbler', a new tool to make it easier to package your Rails application into a war.

  • JNA brings native code to JRuby

    The Java Native Access (JNA) library brings simple POSIX support to JRuby, and might just make native extensions possible.

  • JRuby 1.0.1 release, JRuby 1.1 plan posted

    Bugfix release JRuby 1.0.1 has just been made available, In other news: the planned items for JRuby 1.1, due this fall, were posted.

  • ORM with JRuby - ActiveHibernate

    The ActiveHibernate project brings Hibernate features to JRuby - for those tricky ORM use cases that go beyond what ActiveRecord offers. We talked to project maintainer Johan Andries.