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Doing Data Science with F#
Tomas Petricek introduces F#’s capabilities in dealing with scientific data: type providers -CSV, XML, JSON, REST-, interactive development, data visualization libraries, integration with R or MathLab
Patterns for Scalable Web Services in Go
Richard Crowley introduces Go standard library's HTTP packages, the relationship between JSON and Go's data structures, and Go's support for reflection, useful to create safe APIs.
Grails-Powered HTML RIAs
Brian Kotek advises on creating RIA applications in Grails using an array of technologies, including JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, ExtJS, Dojo, REST, JSON, GSON, GORM, etc.
JavaEE.Next(): Java EE 7, 8, and Beyond
Reza Rahman shows code samples for some of the APIs coming in Java EE 7, such as JMS 2, WebSocket, JSON, JAX-RS 2, JPA 2.1, JTA 1.2, etc. and takes a peek at Java EE 8 features to be expected.
How to Follow Instructions
Leonard Richardson discusses REST and hypermedia links and forms – seen as instructions from the server to the client. Client using instructions can be reused and support complex behavior.
The Evolution of Integration
Paul Fremantle discusses the evolution of EAI, comparing the latest approaches, suggesting using Async Messaging, EDA, APIs, and doing high volumes, and underlining that evolution is not monotonic.
Java EE 7 and HTML5: Developing for the Cloud
Arun Gupta presents the current developments on Java EE7 as a PaaS in the cloud and current work on Project Avatar which simplifies HTML5, Websockets and JSON programming for Java developers.
Dealing with Performance Challenges - Optimized Data Formats
Sastry Malladi discusses the performance implications of using various data formats and versioning across eBay, showing the results of certain benchmarks concluding that JSON is the best format.
The Future of Java EE
Jerome Dochez unveils the features planned for Java EE 7: Cloud Computing support, Modularity enhancements, richer Web Tier – Web Socket, HTML5, JSON-, JMS 2.0, and JPA 2.1, plus the roadmap.
Heresy & Heretical Open Source: A Heretic's Perspective
Douglas Crockford presents a debate existing around XML and JSON, and the negative effect of the Intellectual Property laws on open source software.
Domain Event-Driven Architecture
Stefan Norberg introduces Domain Event-Driven Architecture, how it helps SOA, and how it has been used by Unibet to make its architecture less coupled, resulting in better performance and scalability.
Interoperable JavaScript-Based Client/Server Web Applications
Kris Zyp on protocols, standards, and tools for building web applications using a consistent end-to-end JavaScript model. He exemplifies with DOJO and Persevere. Key topics: JavaScript, JSON, REST.