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Lucas Cavalcanti on Using Clojure, Microservices, Hexagonal Architecture and Public Cloud at Nubank
In this episode of the InfoQ podcast, Charles Humble talks to Lucas Cavalcanti about Nubank’s early architectural choices, including starting with Clojure and microservices. They discuss the challenges of using public cloud for financial services in Brazil, Nubank’s use of Alistair Cockburn's Hexagonal Architecture and immutable architecture, and lessons learnt as the startup scaled.
Java’s Project Loom, Virtual Threads and Structured Concurrency with Ron Pressler
In this podcast Ron Pressler, technical lead for Project Loom at Oracle, sat down with InfoQ podcast co-host Charles Humble to discuss the project and its forerunner Quasar. Topics include the differences between concurrency and parallelism; what virtual threads are; current issues with JVM concurrency; the Loom developer experience; pluggable schedulers; structured concurrency; and more.
Stephen Wolfram on Computer Language Design, SMP, Mathematica, and Wolfram Language
In this episode of the InfoQ podcast, Charles Humble talks to Stephen Wolfram about Wolfram Language, its origins and the influences on its creation. In a wide-ranging discussion they also cover the ergonomics of programming languages; Wolfram|Alpha’s integration with Siri, Alexa, and the upcoming integration with Microsoft Excel; and live streaming language design discussions via Twitch.
Akhilesh Gupta on the Architecture of LinkedIn’s Real-Time Messaging Platform
Charles Humble talks to Akhilesh Gupta, the technical lead for LinkedIn's real-time delivery infrastructure, and also LinkedIn messaging. They discuss the architecture behind LinkedIn’s real-time platform, its building blocks, the frameworks used and other technical details.