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JS � Character Encodings
Anna Henningsen gives an overview over what character encodings are, what the JavaScript language provides to interact with them, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in Node.js and the Web.
Event-Driven with Spring
Oleg Zhurakousky discusses Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Function as de facto technologies for Spring-based, event-driven microservices, overviewing recent developments and features.
Domain-Driven Design with Relational Databases Using Spring Data JDBC
Jens Schauder discusses how to design an object model the DDD way, why this might be a good idea, and how to build a persistence layer for it backed by Spring Data JDBC.
Putting Node.js Serverless Apps into Production without the Pitfalls
Eoin Shanaghy covers the highs and lows of building Node.js apps with Serverless. He also shows how TypeScript-based Infrastructure as Code is the way forward!
Running Third-Party JavaScript
Kate Sills discusses how to minimize the risks of running third-party JavaScript. She goes over POLA, and how object capabilities can help grant specific, limited resources to third-party code.
Creating "The Second Best Place on the Internet" with Spring Initializr
Stéphane Nicoll uses live coding to share some tips and tricks for using Spring Initializr, talks about how it came to be, and shows how to create an instance for a custom project.
Bootiful Azure Spring Cloud
Julien Dubois, Josh Long discuss how Azure supports service discovery, centralized configuration, database binding, application scaling and monitoring, distributed tracing and blue/green deployment.
Bangle.js - Creating a Smart Watch with JavaScript
Gordon Williams talks about how he took an off the shelf smart watch, reverse engineered it, installed a JS interpreter on 400 of them and got them into the hands of the attendees at NodeConf EU.
Hello Quantum Developers World - Yet Another Frontier for JavaScript
Miguel Ramalho talks about the principles of Quantum Computing, how it differs from Classical Computing, how and why it is evolving so fast. He also talks about the so-promised Quantum Developers.
Policy Enforcement on Kubernetes with Open Policy Agent
Aleks Saul and Jaime Gonzalez Aguilar introduce Rego, the language used to describe OPA policies, recent updates to OPA, and break down sample policies for common use cases.
Demystifying the Most Significant Java Language Features from 9 to 11
Ionut Balosin discusses some of the Java features appearing in Java 9, 10 and 11.
More Devs, No Problems: Enabling Self-Service Access to Kubernetes
Fabio Yeon discusses how Tanzu Mission Control helps with security and management of Kubernetes clusters.