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Q&A on the Book The Rise of the Agile Leader
The book The Rise of the Agile Leader by Chuck Mollor is a blueprint for leaders navigating change in the pursuit of success. Mollor shares his story of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-development, while demonstrating a leadership paradigm, a roadmap of what makes a great leader, and what organizations can do to develop great leaders.
Meeting the Challenges of Disrupted Operations: Sustained Adaptability for Organizational Resilience
The first article in a series on how software companies adapted and continue to adapt to enhance their resilience starts by laying a foundation for thinking about organizational resilience. It looks at what organizations can do structurally during surprising and disruptive events to establish conditions that help engineering teams adapt in practice and in real time as disruptive events occur.
Q&A on the Book Virtual Teams Across Cultures
The book Virtual Teams Across Cultures, by Theresa Sigillito Hollema, examines what makes multicultural virtual teams tick – why they’re different and how to unlock their potential. This book is a comprehensive guide for reflective leaders who want to bring out the best in distributed, culturally diverse teams.
Applying Languages of Appreciation in Agile Teams
Respect is one of the core values of Scrum. This can be shown in many ways, including appreciation for our team members. This article introduces the concept from Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, and considers how this applies to our working relationships, how we identify the needs of our colleagues to feel supported and appreciated, and how this can be applied to appreciation in teams.
Sooner, Safer, Happier: a Q&A with Jon Smart from DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2020
At DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas, Jonathan Smart gave a keynote talk titled ‘Leading for Better Value Sooner Safer Happier’. Smart is the only person who has spoken at every DevOps Enterprise Summit London conference and each time in Las Vegas since 2017, previously from his role as head of ways of working at Barclays.
Q&A on the Book Leading with Uncommon Sense
The book Leading with Uncommon Sense by Wiley Davi and Duncan Spelman questions typical- and for many leaders familiar- approaches to leadership. It challenges "common sense” mainstream thinking about leadership and provides alternatives that require slowing down, engaging with our emotions, paying close attention to social identities, and embracing complexity.
Q&A on the Book The Art of Leadership
In the book The Art of Leadership, Michael Lopp shares stories of leadership habits and practices. Examples include reading the room, getting feedback, delegation, giving compliments, understanding the culture, and being kind. In the book Lopp describes how he practiced and refined these leadership habits over the years and what he has learned from doing so.
Q&A on the Book Techlash
The book Techlash by Ian Mitroff and Rune Storesund explains why companies need to become socially responsible by considering the potential negative outcomes of technology. It explains how proactive crisis management can help prevent a crisis by the early detection and correction of deviations from expected conditions.
Q&A on the Book How to Be an Inclusive Leader
The book How to Be an Inclusive Leader by Jennifer Brown provides a step-by-step guide to becoming an advocate for inclusion. It explains what leaders can do to increase inclusiveness in the workplace, describes the characteristics of inclusive leaders, explores why inclusion matters and how people cover, and provides the inclusive leader continuum.
Q&A on the Book Further, Faster
Businesses that thrive over the long term can focus on just a few things that truly matter to their teams and core customers. The book Further, Faster by Bill Flynn provides ideas for business leaders to build teams, create a strategy to stay close to customers, and manage a company’s growth with cash as the primary metric.
Q&A on the Book Unleashed
The book Unleashed - The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You by Frances Frei and Anne Morriss explores how leaders can become more effective in empowering their people. It shows how they can combine trust, love, and belonging to create spaces where people excel.
Q&A on the Book Cyber Warfare
The book Cyber Warfare by Dr. Chase Cunningham explores how organizations can defend themselves against cyber attacks. It provides examples of actual attacks together with defense techniques, tools, and strategies for cybersecurity.