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InfoQ Homepage Leadership Content on InfoQ

  • QConSF - Creating Awesome Teams

    Alexandre Freire’s QConSF session focused on Modern Agile’s framework and suggested ways to implement them within an organization. He emphasized that the underlying culture must support these practices, or the practices will be forced and not lead to creating awesome teams.

  • QConSF: The Art (and Science) of Compelling People

    Ronit Avni’s QConSF session provided information on how to ensure that your verbal message (your speech) does not get lost among other messages sent by visual or other vocal distractions.

  • QConSF: Is Managing Men & Women Really That Different?

    Mitch Shepard discussed why there are fewer women in leadership roles, why diversity is better for business, and what the IT community can do to encourage women in leadership.

  • New and Interesting Changes on ThoughtWorks Radar

    As usual, the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar covers four areas - Language & Frameworks, Platforms, Techniques, Tools – each item having one of four recommendations – Adopt, Trial, Assess, Hold. This article lists only what is new and noteworthy in the respective areas.

  • Esther Derby's Six Rules for Change

    Esther Derby identifies six rules to use when change needs to happen, so that the people involved are honored, and the complexity of the change is acknowledged. Creating an environment based on empathy, knowledge of the past, and a willingness to experiment, makes change less stressful.

  • Autonomy and Job Satisfaction

    Lack of autonomy at work is directly related to reduced levels of motivation and engagement, and increased levels of stress and poor health. What can leaders do to improve the sense of autonomy in individuals, thereby increasing levels of motivation and job satisfaction?

  • "10% Time": The Pros and Cons from Elizabeth Pope at Agile on the Beach

    At the Agile on the Beach 2016 conference, Elizabeth Pope presented “10% Time: The Pros and Cons”, and discussed her experience of devoting a percentage of work time to R&D and learning, which was popularised by Google with their ‘20% time’. Key learnings included strive to reduce barriers to entry, support non-development teams, and encourage collaboration across the organisation.

  • Agile Executive Forum 2016 Summary

    The Agile Alliance hosted a one-day Executive Forum in San Jose, CA on September 19. The event attracted participants from around the world and a range of senior speakers from large organisations, and focused on how adopting agile development impacts companies and what executives need to do to help ensure successful cultural transformation, which is what agile adoption at scale is about.

  • Rethink Leadership: Being Ordinary to Accomplish Extraordinary Results

    Ordinariness in leadership can help us to accomplish extraordinary results, argues agile/lean coach Katherine Kirk. Several more people have explored approaches that suggest to rethink leadership and go back to behaviour basics for leading people. Although these approaches are about small ordinary things, their effect may cause a revolution in the way organizations are being managed.

  • Certified Agile Leadership Program Announced

    The Certified Agile Leadership program aims to increase the effectiveness of leaders by providing a learning framework for developing agile leadership competencies. An interview with Pete Behrens about the importance of leadership, changing how leaders lead and the leadership culture, leadership for self-organizing teams, and what organizations can do to develop agile leadership competencies.

  • Agile 2016: Steve Denning on Agile within Large Organizations and Leadership in Agile

    At the recent Agile 2016 Conference, leadership expert and author Steve Denning presented a fishbowl-style session focused on the topics of Agile within Large Organizations and Leadership in Agile. He covered three broad topics: Engagement of Leaders - Agile Mindset Shift in Management, Agile Adoption Challenges and Agile in the Global Economy

  • How to Study and Apply Ideas from Successful Organisations

    Studying successful organisations can inspire you and provide ideas to improve your own organisation. Helena Moore explains how reading case studies about high performance leadership and culture from organisations like Netflix, Zappos, and Virgin, and visiting organisations like Timpson has helped to understand what makes these organisations successful and to find ways to apply them.

  • Why Diversity and Inclusion Matters, and How to Drive It

    Leveraging and harnessing different ideas, perspectives and experiences from a talented and capable workforce regardless of their organizational position and background drives effectiveness in organizations. Diversity and inclusion matters to reach business objectives and be seen as a social responsible organization.

  • Adopting Agile Beyond Software

    Eduardo Nofuentes talked about agile beyond software at 1st conference in Melbourne, Australia. He explored how you can deploy the agile principles and values outside software development, and gave examples of how he has used them to increase business agility when working with call centres and other non-software teams.

  • Agile India 2016 - Leadership Day Summary

    The Agile India 2016 conference was held in Bangalore last week. InfoQ attended 4 or the 5 conference days. The theme for the first day was Leadership with two keynote talks and 22 sessions over four tracks. This article is a summary of the keynotes and a few of the sessions.