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InfoQ Homepage Leadership Content on InfoQ

  • Leadership Principles for Agile Organizations

    Selena Delesie gave a keynote at the Agile Testing Days 2015 about leadership principles that she sees in successful agile companies. InfoQ interviewed her about how leadership principles from Sir Richard Branson are related to the foundations of agile and asked her which principles are giving companies a competitive edge and how companies can deploy agile to become more competitive.

  • Q&A with David Marquet on Applying Intent-based Leadership in Agile

    Software engineers can really do a tremendous service to themselves, their co-workers, and the world by stepping up and being a leader from the position they are in. Agile is essentially building a leader-leader model in software organizations says David Marquet. An interview about having leadership at all levels in the organization and applying the leader-leader model in agile.

  • Making People Feel Empowered with Intent-based Leadership

    Intent-based leadership is about giving control and decision-making power to people who have the information. When we give control to people who have the competence and clarity, we create an environment where great things happen. An interview with Jenni Jepsen about intent-based leadership, giving influence and control to people, and creating an environment where people can feel empowered.

  • What Is New on ThoughtWorks Radar Nov 2015

    ThoughtWorks has published their radar for the end of 2015, covering technologies in four areas: Languages & Frameworks, Platforms, Techniques, and Tools.

  • Turn the Ship Around - Towards Leadership at Every Level

    At the Agile Tour London 2015 Wim Heemskerk and Dirk Mulder hosted a session about creating leadership at every level, based on the book Turn the Ship Around by David Marquet. InfoQ interviewed them about how hierarchy can hinder transitioning to agile, why organizations should develop leaders in stead of followers, and on applying leadership lessons from the book to increase the agility.

  • Key Takeaways from the 'Agile on the Beach' Conference: Day Two

    Key messages on day two of the 'Agile on the Beach' conference included that self-organising teams who embrace ‘autonomy, purpose and mastery’ create a successful and resilient culture, there is need for technical leadership that encompasses programming, people and processes, and being truly agile involves working with ‘an ever evolving set of ever evolving practices’.

  • Investigation of Project Management Skills

    An investigation was done to find out which skills are desired by employers for project management positions and what it takes to be successful as a project manager. An interview about skills for managing projects, likability of bosses and leadership skills, why people feel miserable at work and what can be done to prevent it and the need for project managers when organizations migrate to agile.

  • Q&A with Jeff Sutherland on Agile Leadership

    InfoQ interviewed Jeff Sutherland about the problems that larger organizations have when adopting Scrum, how they can increase their capability for handling impediments, improving agile leadership, what Scrum masters can do to help teams to become agile, and his advice to managers when their organization is implementing Scrum.

  • Holacracy Approach for an Agile Organization.

    Brian Robertson talks about Holacracy approach for an Agile organization.

  • Scrum Masters with the Imposter Syndrome

    Geoff Watts, talks about the Imposter Syndrome of Scrum Masters. Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments.

  • Node.js and io.js Merge Under the Node Foundation

    The io.js TC has voted to join the upcoming Node Foundation. The project will be named Node.js but it will be based on io.js’ repository.

  • Organizational Transformation to Support Agile Adoption: The BetaCodex Network and Model

    The world has changed - therefore we need to transform command-and-control companies for them to adopt a new organizational model, says Niels Pflaeging. The BetaCodex Network that he co-founded applies research and open innovation to increase understanding of a "Beta" model for organizations that is suited to today's markets.

  • What is Blocking Adoption of Servant Leadership

    Although the world has changed we still worship ideas from ancient management heroes says Tomasz Wykowski. Our behavior changes quite slowly. To get servant leadership adopted in organizations you need to start from yourself and be an example. Give trust to people and respect them, and invite them to change.

  • Leadership and Management Approaches from Radical Companies

    Introducing and managing change in organizations can be challenging. InfoQ interviewed Jason Little who is involved in organizing the Spark the Change Canada 2015 conference about the leadership and management approaches that radical companies use, on finding better ways to manage people and about what will happen to management in the near future.

  • ThoughtWorks Announces Improved Mingle Build Times

    Mingle continuous integration now takes 40 minutes to complete one build.Sudhindra Rao, Software Consultant at ThoughtWorks shares the achievement.