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InfoQ Homepage Leadership Content on InfoQ

  • How managers as leaders can make your team more successful

    In a series of blog posts Johanna Rothman speaks up against the common view of leader and manager roles. She argues that management without leadership can not be successful.

  • Agile On Top Down Under: Record Numbers at Agile Australia 2012

    Over 850 delegates crammed into the Hilton on the Park Hotel in Melbourne last week for Agile Australia 2012 to share experiences and learn from over 75 of Australia and New Zealand's most experienced Agile practitioners.

  • Design Thinking and Culture of Collaboration

    Design thinking is about creating vision of the future, not just managing the present. Bill Burnett from Stanford University recently spoke about design thinking and what questions we need to ask to shift from design to design thinking.

  • Agile's Next Wave: Transforming the Business

    A recent Forrester report gives evidence to the advance of agility into the business world. This article reviews this trend and some of its potential implications.

  • Finding a Better Way for Management

    Continuing the series of news items investigating the recent Stoos Network launch event, Shane Hastie spoke with Roy Osherove and Franz Röösli about their experiences at the event, their ideas coming out of it and ways to help make a change in management practices going forward.

  • Stoos Network - Catherine Louis and Deborah Hartmann Preuss Discuss their Expectations

    Continuing the series of interviews with Stoos Network Event participants, Shane Hastie spoke to Catherine Louis and Deborah Hartmann Preuss about their experiences at the event and their hopes and expectations for the future of the Stoos Network. The Stoos Network aims to encourage shift in organisational management from traditional hierarchical leadership toward more collaborative approaches.

  • Stoos Network - A Conversation with Jurgen Appelo

    Following on from the Stoos Network event held in early January, InfoQ has been talking to some of the organizers and participants. This items is a conversation with Jurgen Appelo author of Management 3.0 and one of the organizers of the event.

  • Facilitating a Tipping Point - Stoos Network Event

    At the Stoos Network event in Switzerland last week a call was made to re-examine the way leadership works and how organisations are governed. Responding to the "bit of a mess" evidenced by the current economic crisis, increased inequity, bankruptcies and widespread disillusionment. This is the first in a series of news items and interviews with the participants exploring their work.

  • How Applied Psychology can help Software Engineers

    On the 1st November software engineer and author John R. Fox has published his book “Digital Work in an Analog World”. According to its subtitle “Improving Software Engineering by Applied Psychology”, the book does not consider software engineering in practice. Rather, it is focusing on the psychological aspects relevant and practices relevant for engineers.

  • Thoughtworks Technology Radar July 2011

    ThoughtWorks recently published its Technology Radar; a report to help technology leaders understand emerging technologies, identify strategic platforms and tools and prepare their organizations for them.

  • Nurturing Self-organizing Teams

    Rashina Hoda achieved her doctorate researching self-organizing Agile teams. She recently spoke to InfoQ about the work she's been doing and the results of her research. She discusses some of the factors that enable self-organization, looks at some of the risks and pitfalls that self-organizing teams face and provides some advice on how to create a culture that nurtures self-organization.

  • Agile Leaders Weigh in on PMI Agile Certification

    Scrum co-creator Ken Schwaber welcomes PMI's establishment of its own Agile certification program, and has recently posted his thoughts.

  • Adaptive Leadership to Accelerate Organizational Agility

    Responsive strategy, being and doing Agile are keys to effective adaptive leadership within an Agile organization. Jim Highsmith spoke recently at AgileAustin event about adaptive leadership and how it can accelerate and sustain organizational agility. He said that agile leaders should focus on aspects like quality and speed to value as executive levers to achieve business goals.

  • The Latest Technology Trends as Seen by ThoughtWorks

    ThoughtWorks has issued the January 2011 edition (PDF) of their Technology Radar, a document meant to indicate current software technology trends in a concise form.

  • Bob Muglia Leaves Microsoft

    Bob Muglia, a Microsoft veteran and president, has decided to leave Microsoft after Steve Ballmer’s decision to change him from leading the STB division.