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InfoQ Homepage Leadership Content on InfoQ

  • Get Back To Work!

    Hitting a kanban limit introduces slack into an organization by temporarily stopping the work that feeds into a bottleneck. So how can you convince management that introducing a kanban limit (i.e. stopping work) could actually be a good thing?

  • Pizzigati Prize For Software in the Public Interest Open for Nominations

    InfoQ doesn't normally report on contests and calls for registration . But for the Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest, this time we decided to make an exception. The Pizzigati Prize is a $10,000 prize awarded to "a software developer who adds significant value to the nonprofit sector and movements for social change". Nominations are open until December 15.

  • Ray Ozzie Steps Down as Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect

    Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect, has stepped down and will retire from Microsoft after five years as strategist pushing the idea of online services and cloud computing.

  • Jim Highsmith at Agile Australia - advice for managers

    Jim Highsmith spoke at the Agile Australia conference this week, he presented at an executive breakfast on ways executives and managers can assist an Agile transition and gave the opening keynote about the need to rethink performance measures and how the dimensions of the project management “Iron Triangle” need to change as organisations adopt Agile techniques.

  • Tasktop Agile Planner for Eclipse Released

    Tasktop has released an Agile planning tool that leverages MyLyn connectors to provide planning support that spans across multiple project management integrations like Mingle, Team Concert, Rally, Scrumworks,JIRA and VersionOne. The Eclipse integration supports automatic linking between plan items and source code artifacts allowing developers to create and manage plans directly from Eclipse.

  • Agile Project Leaders Network Reorganizes

    The APLN is an organization that supports and helps to organize Agile user groups and an Agile-related conference called the Leadership Summit. The non-profit group has recently elected new board members, realigned its focus, and announced new initiatives and plans.

  • Do ScrumMasters need to be Technical?

    Does a ScrumMaster need a technical background? Do they need to be able to read code and coach developers on their day to day work?

  • Agile Teams as Cohesive Communities

    Agile projects are (should be?) highly collaborative team environments built on a foundation of trust and open, honest communication. Such collaborative environments don’t just happen, and they can be easily disrupted. There are many commentators who provide advice on how to establish and maintain collaborative teams. This article summarizes the advice from a few of them.

  • A Discussion with Josh Bloch on the Future of Java

    Effective Java author and chief Java evangelist at Google Josh Bloch gave a talk at the recent web-based Red Hat Middleware 2020 conference. The thrust of the talk was guarded optimism and concern about the future of the Java platform under Oracle's stewardship. InfoQ spoke to him to find out more about his thinking.

  • Twist 2.0 Supports Behavior Driven and Collaborative Testing

    ThoughtWorks Studios recently released the latest version and second major revision of Twist, its Agile test automation product. Twist 2.0 helps testers, developers and business analysts with collaborative testing. It also supports writing tests scripts using Groovy dynamic language.

  • The End of an Era: Scala Community Arrives, Java Deprecated

    It was recently announced that InfoQ is creating a new Operations community. In addition to that, another major change which has been in the works for the last few months at InfoQ is the conversion of the Java community to the Scala community. InfoQ spoke with a prominent Scala expert and members of the former InfoQ Java editorial team to learn more about this change and why it was made.

  • What Really Motivates Workers

    In a recent Harvard Business Review article Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J Kramer challenged the commonly held mnagement belief that Recognition is the most motivating and positive factor in the workplace. Their multi-year study tracked the motivation and emotions of hundreds of knowledge workers and identified POGRESS as the single most important factor for individual motivation in the workplace

  • What Are the Trends in Technology Today?

    ThoughtWorks has released the Technology Radar 2010 this month, a white paper containing ThoughtWorks' technology strategy and trends in four major domains: Techniques, Tools, Languages, and Platforms. InfoQ looked at this whitepaper in depth to better understand the ideas and suggestions being offered by ThoughtWorks.

  • A Community of Thinkers

    Jean Tabaka, Liz Keogh and Eric Willeke got together to contribute something to the "Lean Software and Systems Consortium". Instead they realized the Software Development Community (Lean, Agile, Kanban and well beyond) needed a help remembering the importance and value of true community.

  • Do We Need an "Agile Team Lead" Role?

    Patrick Wilson-Welsh, Chris Beale, Gary Baker, John Huston, Daryl Kulak, and others are attempting to popularize the idea of a new role, the "Agile Team Lead", to supplant many of the existing leadership roles found in and around agile teams.