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Released: Aldon Agile Manager
Last week on December 1st Aldon released the Aldon Agile Manager and InfoQ spoke with Dan Magid, Chief Product Strategist of Aldon, about this new product. Agile Manager is a free agile project management tool meant to provide better planning, prioritization and collaboration.
Get Back To Work!
Hitting a kanban limit introduces slack into an organization by temporarily stopping the work that feeds into a bottleneck. So how can you convince management that introducing a kanban limit (i.e. stopping work) could actually be a good thing?
Tasktop Agile Planner for Eclipse Released
Tasktop has released an Agile planning tool that leverages MyLyn connectors to provide planning support that spans across multiple project management integrations like Mingle, Team Concert, Rally, Scrumworks,JIRA and VersionOne. The Eclipse integration supports automatic linking between plan items and source code artifacts allowing developers to create and manage plans directly from Eclipse.
Studies that Validate Agile and Lean Methodologies
Ralph Jocham asked: "I am searching for some references that show that Agile projects have a higher chance of success than other approaches, the references should be quotable in a government document ie. come from a trustworthy source." Luckily, there are some studies out there, summarized in this article.
Joshua Kerievsky Introduces "Sufficient Design" To The Craftsmanship Discussion
Software Craftsmanship has been a hot topic as of late. Joshua Kerievsky posits a possible counter-perspective to the underlying "code must always be clean!" ethos of the craftsmanship movement; something he calls "Sufficient Design". Learn about what Joshua means, and hear thoughts also from Bob Martin and Ron Jeffries on Kerievsky's ideas.
A Roundup On The Lean Software and Systems Conference Buzz
The Lean Software & Systems Conference went down a few weeks ago in Atlanta, and InfoQ has followed much of the buzz since. Check out what we've collected from the vast pool of great blogs, articles, notes, videos, pictures, presentations and more that have surfaced since the event.
The Lean Software & Systems Conference 2010 Underway In Atlanta
The Lean Software & Systems Conference kicked off Wednesday in Atlanta with a great diversity of exciting activities and talks by Don Reinertsen, Alan Chedalawada, Alan Shalloway, Mary Poppendieck, Joshua Kerievsky, the duo of James Shore and Arlo Belsheee, and many more
JRebel 3.0 Release - Hotswap Reloaded
JRebel 3.0 was released on April 16th. It targets turnaround time in Java development by removing the need for redeployment. Instead it supports advanced class reloading. The article details updating Java classes at runtime and provides an overview of the technologies used in JRebel and especially the improvements of the recently version 3.0.
Toyota Using Waterfall?
Lean software development has been inspired by lean manufacturing and specifically the work that Toyota pioneered in the field. It is then very surprising to find out that the software development arm of Toyota has been working with waterfall and is in it's infancy in lean software development.
US Scrum Gathering 2010 Kicks Off With a Day of "Deep Dives"
The 2010 US Scrum Gathering kicked off Monday in Orlando with a buzzworthy day of "deep dive" learning, collaboration, and healthy debate.
Experiment Driven Development - The Post-Agile Way
TDD and BDD are now widely-used software development techniques. However, solely following TDD & BDD may still lead to missed business opportunities, or worse, a negative impact to the business. Two questions which TDD & BDD are unable to answer are: How do you measure the usage of your application? How do you get feedback from your customers? Is Experiment-Driven Development (EDD) the answer?
Continuous Deployment, In Practice
Continuous deployment has gained a recent buzz in the Lean-slanted "eliminate work-in-progess" movement. But while many may find this an intriguing and logically worthwhile objective, many less can visualize how this might actually be achieved. Ash Maurya helps to fill this gap by describing his experience with making it happen at his company.
Lean + Real Options = Reduced Complexity and Risk
Real Options, a decision-making process based on Financial Option mathematics, was mentioned by Kent Beck in his 1999 "white book," Extreme Progamming Explained. More recently, Agilists have been exploring how Real Options intersects with Agile. Now Chris Matts and Olav Maassen specifically address the Lean Software community, proposing that application of Real Options improves Lean Development.
You Can Say No to 'Pull' in Kanban
Kanban places a lot of emphasis on the pull psychology. Most people who subscribe to lean ideas prefer pull systems as opposed to traditional push systems as they are deemed to be superior for performance and productivity. However, there might be situations where you would want to say No to a pull.
Minibook: Scrum and Kanban: Making the Most of Both
Scrum and Kanban are two flavours of Agile software development - two deceptively simple but surprisingly powerful approaches to software development. So how do they relate to each other? The new InfoQ minibook by Henrik Kniberg and Mattias Skarin, Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both, clears up the fog so you can figure out how Kanban and Scrum might be useful in your environment.