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Catalyzing Change with a Kanban Flow Manager
When organization use kanban mainly for visualization of the work they may be missing out on benefits, says Matthew Philip. Introducing a flow manager role can help teams to reflect and find solutions to the problems that they are facing, thus catalyzing change in the organization.
Use Your Blockades to Sustainably Improve
Blockades in work, like insufficient information, unclear requirements or having to wait for tools or systems to become available can have a systematic cause. It could be the case that similar problems that block the team keep happening until the underlying causes are addressed. You can use your blockades as treasures of improvement to sustainably improve the way work is done.
VersionOne and CA Technologies release a new PPM/APM integrated solution
Last week VersionOne and CA Technologies announced that they have integrated their Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) and Agile Project Management (APM) products to provide an enterprise solution which the two organisations say gives users the ability to have a strategic view of a complete portfolio at the executive level no matter what methodology teams might use.
Effectiveness of Meetings in Development Process
Software development initiatives include different types of meetings, spread across the whole development process. A post on the Mobile Orchard blog explains tips and tricks to check and improve the effectiveness of these meetings.
The Importance of Discipline in Agile
Agile software development is sometimes perceived as an undisciplined way of working. There are organizations which use that perception as an excuse to not adopt agile. According to others agile is actually a more disciplined approach than waterfall for software development. Let’s explore how discipline plays a role in agile and why discipline is considered important for agile to be successful.
Kickstart Agile the Kanban Way
Successful adoption of agile is related to the approach that is used to introduce changes in the organization. Organization can do a top down “mandated” implementation or use a different approach. Kanban can be used as a way to kick start agile, allowing teams to opt-in to agile practices when they feel ready for it to create a sustainable new way of working .
9th Annual State of Agile Survey Now Open
The 9th Annual State of Agile Survey is currently open for participants to share their adoption of Agile practices and processes for inclusion in the annual report.
Wall Street Journal: Enterprises Are Not Ready for DevOps, but May Not Survive Without It
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Rachel Shannon-Solomon suggests that most enterprises are not ready for DevOps, while Gene Kim says that they must make themselves ready if they want to survive.
Agile and Lean Service Management for Enterprises
Agile software development or Scrum is not enough to make your enterprise truly deliver on the Agile promises, says Dave van Herpen. He suggests that IT service management should apply agile and lean practices combined with DevOps to improve collaboration throughout the entire enterprise.
Lean UX Conference Returns to NYC
The Lean UX Conference is returning to NYC April 10-12, 2014 and this year includes a wide variety of speakers as well as workshops from Jeff Gothelf, Dave Snowden and Michael Cheveldave. I had a chance to sit down with one of the conference founders, Will Evans to discuss what to expect from the conference this year.
Q&A with VersionOne CEO Robert Holler – Agile Live Webinars
InfoQ spoke to VersionOne CEO Robert Holler about their Agile Live Webinar series
Interview with VersionOne CEO Robert Holler on the State of Agile Survey Results
InfoQ spoke to VersionOne CEO Robert Holler about the 8th State of Agile survey results which were recently released.
Interview with VersionOne CEO Robert Holler on the Winter Product Release
InfoQ spoke to VersionOne CEO Robert Holler about the features of the Winter 2014 release and their strategic investment themes.
Balancing Experiments and Deliveries in Product Development
Experimentation using for instance lean startup can help you learn about your customers and find out which features and product would be valuable. The value however comes from building products and actually delivering them to customers. You need to find ways to balance between experimentation and delivery.
Documentation in Agile: How Much and When to Write It?
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development values "working software over comprehensive documentation". This core value asks us to think about how much and which kinds of documents are needed and when they need to be written.