InfoQ Homepage Lean Content on InfoQ
Zero Waste, Radical Magic, and Italian Graft – Quarkus Efficiency Secrets
Holly Cummins discusses some of the technical underpinnings of Quarkus’s efficiency, providing advice for those using or considering Quarkus.
Lean and Accelerate: Delivering Value as an Engineering Leader
David Van Couvering wants his audience to have a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of these principles and an explanation as to why these principles work and why they should be implemented.
What to Build First: Goal-Oriented MVP
Arvid Torset and Tatiana Kolesnikova discuss Goal-oriented MVP, a methodology that joins principles of the Lean business model, human-oriented design and Agile development.
Using Lean Startup Principles outside of a Startup
Amanda Stockwell overviews the Lean Startup and Build Measure Learn frameworks, describing types of MVPs and how to choose between them, instructions to set up effective experiments and hypotheses.
The System of Profound Knowledge
Ben Rockwood talks about the System of Profound Knowledge, a modern system that sets forth a pattern of thinking that the society is still trying to fully implement.
DevOps & Lean Thinking Panel
The panelists discuss the latest trends and processes in DevOps & Lean Thinking.
Winning Hearts and Minds Together: Transforming Careers and Culture at Ocado Technology
Emily Hallard shares Ocado’s successes, challenges and failures, and the impact the company’s transformation is having on their collective mindset.
return getKanban();
David Grant discusses the optimal strategy for the getKanban board game, a study into the effect of different policies on the simulation, and the role luck can have when using it as a teaching aid.
Markus Wissekal discusses various ways to manage and visualize flow in Kanban.
Right to Left
Mike Burrows advocates for a Lean-Agile delivery process starting “from the right” with needs met by working software.
What Is Our Product?
Ellen Gottesdiener and Andrew Repton discuss the importance of a shared agreement on what the product is, sharing techniques on scaling Lean/Agile product development in a large organization.
Scrum and Kanban - Battle Royale or Save the World?
Jean-Paul Bayley looks at the similarities and differences between Scrum and Kanban, discussing how to use Scrum and Kanban side-by-side to succeed.