InfoQ Homepage Lean Software & Systems Conference Content on InfoQ
The Power of Visibility: Driving a Lean-Agile Transition
Kelley Horton discusses the reasons why her organization transitioned to Lean-Agile, the approach used and the visual tools helping them minimize WIP, concluding that visibility leads to success.
Reformulating the Product Delivery Process
Israel Gat, Erik Huddleston and Stephen Chin present how Inovis realized a higher product throughput by using three unconventional Kanban practices and a Lean Release Management tool called APROPOS.
Lean Lessons Learned: Our Experiences Moving to Kanban
Tim Wingfield tells his story moving from Scrum to Kanban, presenting several versions of Kanban boards used, and some practices: retrospectives, pair programming, code review, and stand-up meetings.
Feeding the Agile Beast
Dean Stevens proposes a way of integrating the business value concept into everyday Agile activity in order to achieve a higher value for an enterprise.
Feature Bits: Enabling Flow Within and Across Teams
Erik Sowa and Rob Loh present the Feature Bits technique used by Lyris, detailing the business context, the solution design, the data model, and coding patterns, plus lessons learned using it.
The Lean Influencer’s Mantra
Siraj Sirajuddin talks about the Change Agent’s role in introducing Lean and Kanban in large organizations, the Lean philosophy, the forces and dynamicas related to Lean and Kanban adoption.
Through the Lean Looking Glass
Christophe Louvion tells the story of an online advertising company which exchanged Scrum with Kanban, applying Lean principles at all levels of the organization, change that saved the company.
Kanban and Accelerated Emergence of High Maturity
David Anderson discusses the role of Kanban in bringing accelerated high maturity in organizations, presenting evidence of such organizations achieving high maturity in very short time (3-9 months).
Making the Work Visible
Alisson Vale presents how Kanban is used to express the understanding of a system by making the work, the workflow, communication, time, information, engineering traceability, and movements visible.
Teaching Lean and Kanban: What’s Working Well
Russell Healy presents the basic concepts of Lean and Kanban: Waste and the Value Stream, inventory or Work In Process, Cycle Time, and the relationship between them.
Sibling Rivalry: Can lean approaches help integrate systems and software engineering?
Richard Turner discusses the impact of current system trends and why the disconnect between the two disciplines must be resolved. He suggests lean approaches may provide guidance for reconciliation.
Kanban for Video Game Development
This session describes how Lean Production and Kanban has been applied to game development.