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Elixir vs Scala
Ludwik Bukowski and Kacper Mentel compare the results of a pattern recognition app implemented in Elixir and Scala.
Verifying a Distributed System with Combinatorial Topology
Veronica Lopez shares her experience with containers and Kubernetes, including flexible autoscaling and refined testing & delivery experiences, that make sense within an Elixir environment.
Modeling the Real World with Elixir/OTP
Aish Raj Dahal talks about concurrency support and error handling in Elixir.
Go beyond Native with Web-Based VR and AR
Kieran Farr discusses how to create compelling and performant VR and AR experiences delivered entirely through the browser, how web-based VR and AR compare to native applications, and more.
A Practical Guide to GenStage with a Real-Life Use Case
Gyanendra Aggarwal introduces Elixir GenStage, a back-pressure abstraction, demonstrating how to use it through a real case warehouse automation.
Writing Extensible Functional Code
Renan Ranelli discusses Protocols (Elixir & Clojure) and TypeClasses (Haskell) and relates them to alternatives in other languages (Mixins in Ruby and Extension Methods in C#).
Turn Hours into Seconds - Concurrent Event Processing
Emil Soman discusses implementing a thread safe solution to a concurrency problem using Flow, Elixir's concurrent computation library.
Always Available
Claudio Ortolina discusses leveraging Elixir/OTP tools to provide continuous service even when a database is down, walking through the refactoring of an Elixir/Phoenix/PostgreSQL application.
Background Processing with RabbitMQ
Tatsuya Ono introduces TaskBunny, a background processing library, discussing implementation details and why they chose RabbitMQ over Erlang process/OTP.
Wobserver: Easy to Integrate Monitoring and Debugging
Ian Luites introduces wobserver, discussing the background of the project and showing how to mount it into a Phoenix application, hook it up to Prometheus, and deploy it behind a load balancer.
Refactoring Elixir - Lessons Learned from a Year on Exercism.Io
Devon Estes discusses some common, but less than optimal, solutions to some of the problems on followed by refactoring, showing the performance improvements and tradeoffs made.
Elixir and Money
Tomasz Kowal discusses using Elixir for a financial application, handling rounding errors, designing APIs that gracefully handle network and hardware failures, and crashing the app during design.