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InfoQ Homepage LINQ Content on InfoQ

  • LINQ Examples Posted

    Scott Guthrie has posted the materials from his recent Language INtegrated Query (LINQ) talk at Tech Ed Australia. For those looking for detailed code samples to understand LINQ further, download these materials. LINQ is a set of extensions for .NET to provide a native query syntax for C# and VB, allowing developers to perform SQL-like queries against any .NET collection or drop down to raw SQL.

  • New Blinq Prototype Generates ASP.NET CRUD site

    Polita Paulus, a developer on the ASP.NET team last week posted Blinq to the sandbox. Blinq is a LINQ-based prototype for generating a CRUD data access layer and fully functional ASP.NET front end web application with sorting, paging, and relationship navigation.

  • The future of data access in .NET

    Microsoft has published two papers explaining the vision for the future of data access in .NET. The combination of ADO.NET, Entity Framework, and LINQ will mean .NET will finally have real object mapping capabilities not just to relational stores but also between languages and other data formats such as XML.