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An Introduction to Logic Programming on the JVM with core.logic (Clojure)
Edmund Jackson discusses the Goals, Logic Variables, Constraints, and Compositions that form the foundation of Logic Programming using Clojure examples.
Clever, Classless and Free
Håkan Råberg introduces – an extension adding Lambdas to Java 5 – and shen.clj - used to compile Shen, a LISP variant, to Clojure.
Lessons from Functional Programming in Five Languages
Robert Rees shares lessons learned while using Clojure and applied them to other languages, Scala, JavaScript and Java.
Monads for Normal People
Dustin Getz shows writing monads code explaining how they work and why they are useful.
Clojure after the Honeymoon
Håkan Råberg and Jon Pither on introducing Clojure to an investment bank team having a large Java code, dealing with cultural differences, the lessons learned, and ways of dealing with legacy code.
This is Your Workflow on Catnip
Bodil Stokke introduces the productivity benefits of Catnip, a text editor with REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) functionality integrated into the Clojure environment.
Clojure + Datomic + Storm = Zolodeck
Amit Rathore describes the architecture of Zolodeck, a virtual relationship manager built on Clojure, Datomic, and Storm.
ClojureScript - Better Semantics at Low Low Prices!
David Nolen unveils optimization techniques behind ClojureScript: code size, expression-oriented semantics, numerics, operations on JS primitive types, persistent data structures, etc.
The Racket Way
Matthew Flatt explains the Racket – a Lisp dialect – way through examples: everything is a program, concepts are language constructs, the language is extensible, and everything composes.
Distributed Apps: The Joys of Testing and Debugging
Chris Houser discusses stack traces in Clojure and introduces a library for investigating activity across multiple threads and servers, plus a technique for reproducing race conditions.
Writing Datomic in Clojure
Rich Hickey introduces Datomic, including architectural and implementation details.
Macros are Hard!
David McNeil introduces a model for thinking about Clojure evaluation through code samples with the purpose for an easier understanding and writing of macros.