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InfoQ Homepage Management Content on InfoQ

  • TargetProcess Offers a Free 5-User Community Edition

    TargetProcess has released a free 5-user Community Edition of its Agile project management software. The Community Edition contains the same features as the full edition of the product with two limitations: a maximum 5 users, and no support.

  • What Might Happen if You Asked a Powerful Question?

    Too often leaders, pressed for time, throw the easiest question at a team. But a moment's reflection, followed by a wise open-ended question can generate new possibilities when a team is stuck. This centuries-old educational technique, sometimes called "Powerful Questions," is a great tool for all team members, to transform "stuck" situations into learning opportunities.

  • Interview with Joseph Pelrine: Agile Works. But HOW?

    Joseph Pelrine has come full circle: from university studies in Psychology, journeying through SmallTalk, XP and Scrum, and now back to broader questions: Why and how does Agile work? In this interview, Joseph talked about Complexity Science, and how story-telling, "sense-making," network analysis and speed-dating's gut-feel approach may prove more useful than our old toolkits for managing teams.

  • Is Burnout Inevitable, while Facilitating Agile Projects?

    Facilitation on Agile projects seems to involve much more than the primary responsibility of improving the effectiveness of the work that the teams are doing. The responsibility of a facilitator can become so broad that over-facilitating becomes common, thus leading to burnout. An interesting Group Facilitation newslist discussion takes a closer look.

  • What is the Role of a Manager in an Agile Organization?

    Your organization is adopting Agile Development and your Managers are trying to find their new role. Prior to the adoption Agile perhaps management was involved in the production specifications and assigned the tasks. Now that teams are self organizing and the stories (instead of specs) come from the product owner, what does management do?

  • Managers: Help your Teams Learn Communication Skills

    The Agile “self organising team” paradigm requires that team members develop strong interpersonal skills. Now management gains an important role in helping teams learn new ways to communicate and collaborate. This article proposes some strategies for imparting new skills without crushing a team’s growing self-organization, and suggests some sources of helpful material for developing new skills.

  • Agile Project Management ScrumWorks Pro 3.0 released

    Danube Technologies has just released the 3.0 Release of ScrumWorks Pro, last mentioned in August 07. ScrumWorks Pro is an Agile Project Management tool that help track team(s) progress through individual iterations and whole releases. In this release changes focused on two areas: usability improvements and the use of MySQL as the backend database.

  • Distributing Bonus to Agile Teams is Like Playing with Dynamite

    Everyone is excited when bonus is declared. However, for Agile teams it could eventually become a make-or-break situation. The general consensus is that distributing bonus should be a 'well thought-out' strategy there is no 'one size fits all' here. In an interesting discussion on the Lean Development group, people share their thoughts to find the best way.

  • Interview: Johanna Rothman on Schedule Games and other Organizational Dysfunctions

    Johanna Rothman is an organizational consultant, coach and co-creator of the AYE conference (Accelerate Your Effectiveness). Deborah Hartmann interviewed her at Agile2007 about her third management book - and discovered that there are names for some of the the scheduling games that cause us to spin our wheels, including: Bring Me A Rock, Queen of Denial and Pants on Fire!

  • Apple Manager Writes "Managing Humans" to Help Techies

    It’s Michael Lopp’s belief that developers are trained to manage bits well, but not humans. When developers are promoted to managers much harm can be inflicted. Michael uses stories and humour to warn us of the many perils of management and how to navigate around them.

  • Crunch Mode And Making Superstars Average

    James Golick and Reg Braithwaite discuss the often overlooked realities of how putting teams into "Crunch Mode" can have undesirable results. The discussion looks at various ways applying pressure to a team often results in putting your project into not better but worse shape and how teams and managers might benefit by taking a different approach.

  • Enhanced Manageability with OSGi, SCA, BPEL and Spring

    Ever since the OpenSOA initiative published the white paper entitled: "Power Combination, SCA, OSGi and Spring", the combination of these three technologies has generated some interest. In a recent post, William Vambenepe explores potential new management capabilities for this type of SOA platform.

  • Presentation: Anne Thomas Manes on the Business Value of SOA

    In this presentation, recorded at QCon, Burton Group research director Anne Thomas Manes talks about how to make the business case for SOA. Her talk covers explaining SOA to non-technical business people, various approaches for selling SOA to management and gaining funding for SOA investments.

  • 50 Developers Answer: What Do You Want Your CIO to Know About Agile?

    Trying to explain the benefits of Agile Software Development to your CIO? Does your boss want some outside validation? Esther Schindler asked more than 50 developers and Agile practitioners one question: "If you could get the boss to understand one thing, just one thing, related to agile development...what would it be? Why that?".

  • InfoQ Presentation: Selecting the Right Methodology and Steering it to Success

    It's easy to agree with "anything more than 'barely sufficient' in is waste," but it's more complicated when we actually need to customize a process for a particular project. At Agile2006 Todd Little shared a model to help leaders choose the right flavour of Agile based on project and team attributes, and he emphasised the need to actively steer projects as development progresses.