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  • Deploying Transparency and Self Regulating Management to Get Actions Done

    At the Lean Kanban France 2014 conference Bjarte Bogsnes gave a keynote presentation about beyond budgeting. In his presentation he talked about the problems with traditional management and how transparency and self regulating management comes to the rescue, and the principles and practices of beyond budgeting.

  • Scrum Meets Management 3.0

    Scrum meets management 3.0 , a talk presented by Arne Ahlander at Regional Scrum Gathering India 2014.

  • Management Buy-in and Support in Agile Adoption

    Adopting agile is an organization change which involves management. It is said that management buy-in is crucial for agile to succeed and that a lack of management support can be a barrier in agile transformations. There are different ways for management to support agile in enterprises.

  • How to Target Intrinsic Motivators - Champfrogs Checklist

    Jurgen Appelo has released a tool to help target intrinsic motivators in teams and individuals, his -Champfrogs checklist.

  • Apigee Now Supports Node.js and Open Sources Volos

    Apigee Edge now supports Node.js and has open sourced Volos, a project containing a set of API management modules.

  • Adopting Agile When Your Management Style is Mostly Command and Control

    Agile adoption in organizations where command and control is the most dominant management style can be tricky. There have been situations where an agile transition didn’t deliver the expected improvements, or even failed and was stopped. Several authors suggested ways to adopt agile in organizations with a command and control management style. How did you deal with it when transitioning to agile?

  • WSO2 API Manager 1.4.0 Introduces Multi-Tenancy

    The latest WSO2 API Manager adds native multi-tenancy, automatic generation of API documentation, and SAML-based SSO, running both on servers or in the cloud.

  • Reactions to Yahoo!’s Decision to Forbid Employee Telecommuting

    Yahoo!’s recent decision to call all employees to work from company’s offices has raised some questions especially throughout the telecommuting community. Is this a disguised move to lay off people? Is it a misunderstanding of how remoting is to be managed? Is this the right move for Yahoo!?

  • Evidence of Success of Agile Projects

    Early results of a study on the effects of agile development practices are showing improvements in productivity and quality. These results aim to answer questions on development projects schedules and budgets. They also provide insight in the results of outsourcing and co-located teams.

  • Business Craftsmanship: an Approach for Transforming Knowledge Work

    Tobias Mayer started Business Craftsmanship: an organizational development and transformation approach to teach and apply ideas from Agile software development to any knowledge work context. Several posts have been published, for example about “Core Values” and “In Praise of Processes”.

  • Changing Your Organisational Mindset by Focusing on People

    <p>In his recent blog Bob Marshall suggests that heroic managers must overcome the traditional analytic mindset in order to transition to a more effective organizational mindset. To do that part of their focus must be on people. </p><p>Bob Marshall is a specialist in organisational therapy who describes himself as “the flowchainsensei who sees things differently”.</p>

  • CAMP 1.0 – An Open API for PaaS Application Management

    Several companies including Oracle, Rackspace, Red Hat and CloudBees have proposed an API for PaaS application management. The API allows developers to manage applications within and across various PaaS that will implement the specification without having any knowledge of the underlying cloud infrastructure.

  • How managers as leaders can make your team more successful

    In a series of blog posts Johanna Rothman speaks up against the common view of leader and manager roles. She argues that management without leadership can not be successful.

  • The Management View of Agile - Unaware or Unwilling?

    A series of recent articles by Steve Denning on Forbes have highlighted the challenges that the Agile community faces to get acceptance by mainstream management.

  • Finding a Better Way for Management

    Continuing the series of news items investigating the recent Stoos Network launch event, Shane Hastie spoke with Roy Osherove and Franz Röösli about their experiences at the event, their ideas coming out of it and ways to help make a change in management practices going forward.