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InfoQ Homepage Management Content on InfoQ

  • Stoos Network - Catherine Louis and Deborah Hartmann Preuss Discuss their Expectations

    Continuing the series of interviews with Stoos Network Event participants, Shane Hastie spoke to Catherine Louis and Deborah Hartmann Preuss about their experiences at the event and their hopes and expectations for the future of the Stoos Network. The Stoos Network aims to encourage shift in organisational management from traditional hierarchical leadership toward more collaborative approaches.

  • Stoos Network - A Conversation with Jurgen Appelo

    Following on from the Stoos Network event held in early January, InfoQ has been talking to some of the organizers and participants. This items is a conversation with Jurgen Appelo author of Management 3.0 and one of the organizers of the event.

  • Facilitating a Tipping Point - Stoos Network Event

    At the Stoos Network event in Switzerland last week a call was made to re-examine the way leadership works and how organisations are governed. Responding to the "bit of a mess" evidenced by the current economic crisis, increased inequity, bankruptcies and widespread disillusionment. This is the first in a series of news items and interviews with the participants exploring their work.

  • Known vs Unknown

    Whether to use waterfall or agile methods should be determined by how well known the problem and solution are. That is the assessment from David J Blant, owner of Scrumology.

  • Steve Denning on Customer Delight at Agile 2011

    Steve Denning gave two talks at the Agile 2011 conference in Salt Lake City, both focusing on moving organisations to "21st Century Management" and showing how Agile principles support and enable this change. He maintains that management is in need of an overhaul and that the takeup of Agile approaches helps organisations to make these changes, but Agile alone is not enough.

  • Can Earned Value Leverage Agile Methods?

    The debate over the value of Earned Value Management (EVM) and integrating it into agile rages heavy as agile penetrates into more large scale IT projects that require EVM. Opinions vary but some believe that not only can agile projects apply EVM; EVM with agile is better than EVM without agile.

  • Learning from History - or not

    Consultant and author Gerald M. Weinberg has been in the computer industry for over 50 years; he raises concerns about the seemingly inevitable hype cycle associated with new techniques and how the industry so seldom seems to learn from previous cycles. In a similar vein Elisabeth Hendrickson recently blogged about the impact of "fake agile". They also provide some advice on how to improve.

  • Debate: What’s the Reason For MySpace’s Decline?

    Some argue that MySpace has lost ground to Facebook because of their technology – Microsoft stack – and due to lack of enough talent in Los Angeles, while others opine that it is management’s fault and the departure of many people when the company was acquired by News Corp. in 2006.

  • What Agile Metrics Should We Report?

    Good measurements support good management. So what metrics should be sent up through the management chain so management can best support Agile software development processes?

  • Selling Scrum to Your Manager?

    Trying to Sell Scrum to Management? Failing and wondering why? This often happens in the days after someone returns from a CSM course ready to help change the world.

  • Jim Highsmith at Agile Australia - advice for managers

    Jim Highsmith spoke at the Agile Australia conference this week, he presented at an executive breakfast on ways executives and managers can assist an Agile transition and gave the opening keynote about the need to rethink performance measures and how the dimensions of the project management “Iron Triangle” need to change as organisations adopt Agile techniques.

  • Should an Enterprise Architect Have an MBA?

    Todd Biske, an Enterprise Architect and SOA author, started a discussion on Twitter by asking the question “Should Enterprise Architects have/get an MBA?” Some of the enterprise architects who responded to the question believe that an MBA is not mandatory but it can be very helpful.

  • Managing the Agile Team Environment

    It is a well known fact that people leave managers, not organizations. Though, Agile teams are known to have camaraderie amongst team members, however the relationship of the manager with the team members and the organizational ecosystem as a whole holds the key to being an successful Agile manager.

  • Polymath: a new IT job description

    Is "polymath" a required job skill for IT professionals? The rise of cloud computing, "green" computing, ultra-large scale systems, and even SOA and SaaS suggest the answer is yes. A book by Vinnie Mirchandani has prompted a flurry of commentary on what it would mean to be an IT Polymath and why such a skill is desirable.

  • Adobe Released Puppet Recipes for Hadoop

    Recently Adobe released Puppet recipes that they are using to automate Hadoop/HBase deployments to the community. InfoQ spoke with Luke Kanies, founder of PuppetLabs, to learn more about what this means.