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  • Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

    Over the past month there has been a lot of debate on the current state of the Java Modularity working group (JSR 294). Although the JSR tries to find common ground between different module systems (notably Sun's Project Jigsaw and OSGi), the current set of proposals are overly complex and introduce the world's first concept of a meta-module system. Can the Simple Module System save JSR294?

  • Apache Ivy 2.0 Final Released

    Apache Ivy 2.0, a project dependency manager, has been released. 2.0 is the first release of Ivy as an official Apache project.

  • Apache Ivy 2.0.0-RC2: Closing in on 2.0

    Apache Ivy, a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies has reached its second release candidate, preparing for the final 2.0 release.

  • Jason Van Zyl Discusses Sonatype, The Eclipse Foundation and Maven

    Sonatype, the main company which drives Maven development, recently announced that they are joining the Eclipse Foundation as a Strategic Developer. InfoQ spoke with Sonatype CTO and Maven founder Jazon Van Zyl to learn more about this partnership and what it means for the future of Maven.

  • Debate: Is Maven the right tool for builds?

    Recently, there has been a lot of debate around the usefulness Maven, which is a Java-based build and dependency management tool being used in many projects. InfoQ took a closer look at this debate to understand what issues are being encountered, and what has resulted from the debate.

  • Ivy 2.0: Released As An Apache Project

    Ivy, a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies which provides tight integration with Apache Ant, has released its 2.0 beta version. This is the first release as an Apache project, it brings enhanced compatibility with Maven 2 repositories, improved concurrency support and a few other significant changes.

  • Boost your Java Test with Ruby and JtestR

    The ease of Ruby for scripting tasks makes it a very powerful candidate for writing your Test suites. Until recently there was no real standalone framework to test your Java with Ruby. JtestR, written by Ola Blini (a member of JRuby team) and Anda Abramovici, makes it possible now. Ruby coupled with powerful Ruby tools such as RSpec, mocha will make writing Java tests smoother.

  • Apache to incubate its first Ruby Project: Buildr - Ruby Build System for Java Projects

    Buildr is a simple and intuitive build system for Java projects. After 10 months of development and a lot of positive feedback, it will be incubated by the Apache Foundation, which will be opening its doors to its first Ruby project.

  • When Ruby Builds Faster Than Java: Buildr

    Maven 2.0 recalcitrants have been looking for alternatives with less XML and easier plugin development. Buildr might be the solution, and even boasts faster performance than Maven!

  • Catching Up with Maven 2

    Maven is a pattern-based build framework for Java and J2EE projects; more than just scripting builds for arbitrary projects, Maven knows about J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, etc. and has a prescribed way of structuring and organizing a project from its moment of creation through testing, packaging, and deployment.