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  • Anne Thomas Manes on SOA, Governance and REST

    In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Anne Thomas Manes, research director at Burton Group, talks to Stefan Tilkov about the state of SOA, explains different ways of getting funding for SOA initiatives, the value of SOA governance and governance tools. Another topic covered is the applicability of REST to SOA, the need for a RESTful description language, and REST support in SOAP toolkits.

    Anne Thomas Manes on SOA, Governance and REST
  • Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More

    InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.

    Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More